Hi Aarindom,
Please fill in the quick start calculator here ( and share with me.
Best Regards,
Hi Aarindom,
Can you probe the switch node, inductor current and output voltage,
Furthermore, can you test without populating the filters at the output?
I also see some discrepancy in the values that you have filled in the quick start calculator v/s the schematic:
1. Output caps - you have mentioned 200uF - I only see 30uF in the schematic - that too will be derated at DC Bias. Also, ensure they are rated at ~2x the nominal output voltage.
2. Inductor - Schematic - 10uH - Calculator = 3.3uH?
3. ILIM- Schematic says 1.58k (quick start says 110 Ohm).
Please fill in the calculator accurately and share the excel sheet here. Also, share the most updated schematic with me.
Best Regards,