I'm new to PoE. It is quite interesting to make a module to get a power from LAN to supply my embedded board. TI have provide many PoE driver but i'm not sure which chip is suitable for my application. So i need some advice.
TPS2379 seem like suit my application and this chip available in local. I would like to further understand the design requirement before design the PCB board. I have gone through this TPS2379EVM-106 Evaluation Module user guide. So from the user guide i have some idea but i have some question. Bellow is my concept design.
1) From my diagram does the concept work fine? Those P3, P4, P5, and PoE connection is it correct?
2) Can i use RJ45 connector (P3) with build in transformer? eg: LPJ0514GER 3582.6840.LPJ0514GER.pdf
3) What type of voltage from PoE Switch and PoE Hub? AC or DC. I have do some measurement from the LAN panel with using Multimeter i can't get any steady voltage reading but with oscilloscope i able to measure pin-3 and pin-6 have DC ~25V. Others pin look like have funny waveform and wonder why multimeter not able to read the voltage.
Another question is why pin-3 and pin-6 have voltage but pin-1 and pin-2 don't have voltage? Does PSE type is Midspan?
Thanks for help,.