Out customer use LM22672/LM22680 device.
But Our customer have start-up problem.
* Condition :
- Vin : 10V, Vout : 7.1V
- Current : Nominal(Under 30mA : Non operating Motor), Active(1A, Operating Motor)
* Status :
- Start-up current is abnormal(Condition : Vin=10V, Vout=7.1V)
- Start-up current is normal(Condition : Vin=11V, Vout=7.1V)
In Light load condition, Do i need minimum gap of the Vin and Vout???
But Our customer can't change Vin level.
If see attached file, You can know status(I attached Measurement graph/ schematic and so on)
Our customer don't have many time. Please reply to me as soon as possible.