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I have an application where I want to use the LM5066 so help with soft starting or current limiting the primary input capacitors into my design. I will have approximately 20mF of capacitance which the LM5066 needs to charge up to 24V.
At the moment the MOSFET I had planned on using is the SUM70060E.
Adding mutliple MOSFETs in parallel off of the same controller will not aid in SOA issues as one device will pick up most of the load until they are both fully on. So my question is if two LM5066 each with their own MOSFETs and sense resistors can be used together to charge the same cap bank from the same input supply.
The ST FET is really good for SOA, but not so good on Rdson. Cold start may be ok but if you power cycle and start with the FET hot, the SOA inputs are derated for starting die temp vs max DS operation temp. This is where the paralleling helps, to keep initial temp down. Correct statement of one FET sees the SOA stress due to Vth, Vplateau differences. During fault (power into short) you will still have gate timing differences along with insertion time differences. Putting 2 x LM5066 in parallel will not be a 100% fix as insertion time and start up timing (gate source current, timer current, FET Vgsth/plateau) still will come into play. 20mF is a lot of cap to start into. You will most likely need to use dv/dt start up control with Cgate that also places start up SOA on a single FET. I would focus on reducing load cap by using better polymer caps (lower C, better esr). Use the design calculator tool located on the product page for download to assist.