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UCD9090: Flash memory specifications for UCD9090 and UCD9246 devices

Part Number: UCD9090
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCD9246,

Our company ( produces device programmers for mass production and engineering and support programming for a variety of TI devices (ARM Cortex, C2000, MSP430 and others). We have a requirement to support flash programming for UCD9090 and UCD9246 devices. These specs are not available in the datasheets or on the Please help us to get flash programming specs for these devices. Thank you. 

  • Hi Isaak

    The program flash of UCD9090/UCD9246 is very straightforward and both devices share the method.

    1. Customer need download Fusion Digital Power Design Tool at

    2. The Fusion tool will export a data flash script file(.csv) which contains all the pmbus commands to program the device. This step need a live device and cannot do under offline mode.

    3. The i2c master SW just need follow the data flash script file to program.

    4. All commands are pmbus based, so they have to follow the smbus/pmbus protocol, which is defined at section 5.5 of  


    Most time, your customer will provide the data flash script file and you will use i2c to write the file into the device.


    I attached one example of the data flash script file (UCD9090). They can work on this. I also would recommend to get a UCD90SEQ48 EVM so that they can verify the device after programming.

    UCD9090 Address 101 SMBus Data Flash Script.csv




  • Thank you, Yihe. We've checked your documentation - it seems to be helpful. One extra question: how to protect UCD9090/UCD9246 devices against unauthorized reading after programming? The documents above do not describe this. Regards, IG
  • You can not disable reading from device.