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LM74670-Q1: Vgs signal abnormal

Part Number: LM74670-Q1


customer use LM74670-Q1 as full bridge rectifier, but they found the Vgs is abnormal and has noise on Vin. 

customer use 1uF as charge pump capacitor and use CSD18563Q5 as transistors. the waveform as below show.

could you help on this?

Vin is 24VAC, below is Vin wavform:


the Vgs waveform as below:

  • Hi Betty,

    I am looking into your question and will get back on this next week.
    Please let us know if you need an urgent response.

  • Hi Kari,

    could you give reply by Wednesday?

    thank you

  • Hi Betty,

    For LM74670-Q1 to act as part in the full bridge rectifier, it needs to block any reverse current flowing back across the MOSFET it controls.
    In order to control this reverse current, LM74670-Q1 turns off the MOSFET by pulling gate down.

    In the waveforms, gate is being pulled down (Vgs = 0V) for every cycle. Because this pulldown current is fast, there is a bit of inductive ringing coupled onto VIN that you see when Gate is turned Off.

    I dont see a concern here. is the rectifier not functioning properly?
