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TLV62568: Single report of ESD data Request(TLV62568PDRLR)

Part Number: TLV62568

Single report of ESD data Request

Please provide Single report of  ESD data for *******
HBM and CDM.
Because user is considering using this device.

Thank you and best regards,

>Hi Katsuya Yoshikawa
>If you need the single report of ESD data, as Quality Department advice,
>we kindly suggest you to raise a case on E2E community.
>The link is below.
>If there is any further question feel free to contact us.
>Best regards
>Euphemia Feng
>TI Customer Support Center

>Thank you for your reply.
>user is requesting such materials as attached.
>user will not adopt the device without this material.
>I need your help.
>Thank you and best regards,