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Dear TI,
The charging current is 16.8V (R25 is changed to about 700 k Ohms) and ISET1 is 2A (R12 is changed to about 3.79k).
It is charged to a lithium battery, but the LED (D7) of STAT1 is flashing.
What is the state of BQ24610 at this time?
Led (D7) flashing (test pin STAT1 waveform) is 200ms lit (LOW) at about 1.73s cycle.
All but stat2 and BATDRV LEDs are lit. In addition, JP settings are short-circuited for JP3:VREF, JP1:OPEN, and other JP.
Best regards,
Hi Kashiki,
STAT flashing generally indicates a fault. Please refer to table 2 of the datasheet for specific faults that could occur. Please log the following:
In addition, are you following the steps in the user guide for power up and correct operation?
Hi Kedar,
It will be a log of each waveform.
ch1:TS voltage
ch2:VCC voltage
ch3: SRN (TP9)
In addition, the adapter input is 19V.
It should be noted that the battery pack that is connected,
It seems to be protected by bq40z50,
It is not known how it is controlled.
Does this have anything to do with it?
Hi Kashiki,
This looks like there is too much impedance in the path of the charger. It looks like the charger is terminating, causing STAT to indicate termination, however due to the voltage drop (Iterm*impedance in the path) and subsequent slight battery discharge, is causing the charger to trigger its recharge threshold and start a new charge cycle (this is the portion where PH is switching and STAT is low). This period is brief, because the moment the converter turns back on, the voltage drop (Iterm*impedance) re-appears. Either decrease the termination current, or reduce the impedance in the path, or disable termination on the charger IC and have the gauge handle termination.
Hi Kedar,
I changed the connection cable to the battery to the shortest, but it was in the same state.
In addition, the recharge is repeated, but what are the conditions under which the recharge ends?
This is the waveform when the recharge is repeated and when it is rechargeed normally.
Repeatedly, VBAT is lowered.
When normal, VBAT will go up.
It seems that VBAT changes after the 1s timer of battery detection.
Is there anything you can think of?
・NG waveform.
・OK waveform.