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Hello. I have a problem with LM5146 controller on my board. It`s temperature is 100C! Vin=56V, Vout=12V, I load = 0.3A. Tell me please how can i fix that?
I have attached schematic - i have generate it on ti webbench power constructor online. syncin, syncout are floating. Mosfet rise time is 18ns, what is much faster than 40ns on time of LM5146.
Is your converter switching stable?
Is your Exposed pad underneath the IC connected to a copper pour for heat spreading? Do you have thermal vias there?
Please see related app note on PCB design:
Hope this helps,
Hello Orlando. Tell me please how can i check "converter switching stable" ?
There are thermal vias under ic, please look attached gerber files.
Please scope shot SW node so I can see frequency & duty cycle to check stability.
SW node wave should be a square wave from 0V to VIN at switching frequency.
From your 23.7kΩ RT your switching frequency is 420kHz, Are you able to zoom in more? like 1µs/div.
Your layout around the IC is ok, you have a good amount of GND copper that should help dissipate heat.
Also your schematic is only orderable parts and difficult to check values, can you fill out LM5146DESIGN-CALC with your design?
Please try tying SYNCIN (pin 8) to GND to enable diode emulation mode.
Also your schematic does not show values, please fill out and attach LM5146DESIGN-CALC so I can check it easier.
Hello Dinar,
I have not had a response from you in a number of days and am assuming the issue has been resolved? I will close out this thread. If you still have an issue and need support, please do not hesitate to reopen.