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UCC24636: DRV ON time

Genius 4800 points
Part Number: UCC24636

Our customer consider to use UCC24636 with Low-Side SR Configuration.

Please see attched waveform.2541.waveform.xlsx

1.Is this waveform normal .?

2.Can they extend DRV ON time ? Please let us know how to extend DRV ON time.

3.If DRV ON timing and resonance timing overlap is, does this cause any problem ?

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  • Thank you for your reply.

    Is there any update ?

  • Hi Kura,

    The waveform looks of for me . if you check the datasheet page 11 Figure13 , you will see there is also a short time SR body diode conduction before the SR current to zero. this time is necessary for safety operation of SR . If DRV ON time overlap with resonance timing , on one hand it will lead to reverse current and SR voltage stress is high when it turn off . on other hand, it may lead to shoot through  if the power stage is operation at CRM mode.

    At the end of SR conduction , the current is small , so even extend the conduction time , limit benefit for efficiency.
