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I am using BQ227441 in addition with BQ24075.i am using Bq27441 for the past 2 days and it worked fine for 2 days but suddenly BQ27441 stopped communicating with my controller which is connected externally through I2C, So i started debugging and noticed that i was not getting 1.8V at VDD pin and getting something else like in attached picture and waveform at GPOUT is also attached.
First Attachment : VDD,
Second Attachment : GPOUT.
Battery Voltage is 3.96V connected to BQ27441.
Thanks & Regards,
Was there any ESD damage done to the gauge? Was the VDD used for powering anything else? What functionality were you using for GPOUT?
Wyatt Keller
Was this test with the EVM? The VDD pin should have a capacitor to VSS to stabilize the 1.8V supply.
Wyatt Keller
No I desiged my own board and yes capacitor is present
Thanks and regards
Can you share the schematic of your layout and your .gg file?
Wyatt Keller
The .gg is the configuration file, have you changed anything from the defaults of the ROM gauge?
It's best to reference the EVM when designing your own board, the capacitance on VDD is much higher than our EVM, but I don't think it would cause this. Are you seeing the issue on multiple boards?
Wyatt Keller
No facing only In one board. Not the same issue.
I am looking for any example program to use.
Where can i find the example program to use with my ESP32 controller
Thanks and regards,
I would reduce the capacitance on VDD to the recommended value of 0.47uF. The inrush current to charge the cap may be too high causing the power to oscillate.
You can use the gauge communication application note for communication:
Wyatt Keller
I got some example code with Arduino, I am using it and i think the programs is not giving correct data. for example the sample of output looks like this :
Time stamp > state-of-charge (%), battery voltage (mV), average current draw from the battery (mA), remaining and full capacities (mAh), average power draw on the battery (mW), and the battery's state-of-health (%).
"11:38:42.653 -> 0% | 3107 mV | -857 mA | 0 / 2231 mAh | -2663 mW | 96%". Actual voltage across battery is 3.6V,In serial monitor it is showing 3107mV | I have connected ammeter across battery and it is showing 0.60A,in serial monitor it is showing 857mA,
Is there anything wrong with my program.
I want exact SOC, Remaining voltage and current drawn form battery.
Program :
#include <SparkFunBQ27441.h> // Set BATTERY_CAPACITY to the design capacity of your battery. const unsigned int BATTERY_CAPACITY = 2500; // e.g. 850mAh battery void setupBQ27441(void) { // Use lipo.begin() to initialize the BQ27441-G1A and confirm that it's // connected and communicating. if (!lipo.begin()) // begin() will return true if communication is successful { // If communication fails, print an error message and loop forever. Serial.println("Error: Unable to communicate with BQ27441."); Serial.println(" Check wiring and try again."); Serial.println(" (Battery must be plugged into Battery Babysitter!)"); while (1) ; } Serial.println("Connected to BQ27441!"); // Uset lipo.setCapacity(BATTERY_CAPACITY) to set the design capacity // of your battery. lipo.setCapacity(BATTERY_CAPACITY); } void printBatteryStats() { // Read battery stats from the BQ27441-G1A unsigned int soc = lipo.soc(); // Read state-of-charge (%) unsigned int volts = lipo.voltage(); // Read battery voltage (mV) int current = lipo.current(AVG); // Read average current (mA) unsigned int fullCapacity = lipo.capacity(FULL); // Read full capacity (mAh) unsigned int capacity = lipo.capacity(REMAIN); // Read remaining capacity (mAh) int power = lipo.power(); // Read average power draw (mW) int health = lipo.soh(); // Read state-of-health (%) // Now print out those values: String toPrint = String(soc) + "% | "; toPrint += String(volts) + " mV | "; toPrint += String(current) + " mA | "; toPrint += String(capacity) + " / "; toPrint += String(fullCapacity) + " mAh | "; toPrint += String(power) + " mW | "; toPrint += String(health) + "%"; Serial.println(toPrint); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); setupBQ27441(); } void loop() { printBatteryStats(); delay(1000); }
Please help.
Thanks and regards,
Is this with the reduced capacitance on VDD? Is the gauge powered at all with the VDD oscillating like you showed? if it is then there should be no communication. You will also need to calibrate the gauge before reading values accurately.
We can't help debug code examples because the functions for I2C in each library are different. You can check the gauge communication app note and our linux drivers for example code.
Wyatt Keller
Yes with reduced capacitance.
This is done on another board and VDD is not oscillating.
I will check the example code and revert back.
Thanks and Regards,
Is the VDD oscillating with the reduced capacitance on the same board?
Wyatt Keller
Thanks a lot the problem has been solved.
VDD is stable 1.8V.
Thanks & Regards,