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TDA4 new camera driver debug issue


When I develop new camera on TDA4,I create new sensor driver and add to iss_sensors driver.

run the single camera app demo and see the new camera in list,start the camera see the log,the deserializer and serializer

IIC communicate success and register write ok,but after save the image check the image no any data.

When meet this problem,how to debug next?does the openvx or camera app side need changed something when new camera add?

plz give guide.


  • Hi xu ji,

    can you first press 'p' on the console and check if capture is running fine? 

    It seems capture itself is not yet working. 

    Have you taken care of configuring,

    - number of lanes

    - lane polarity

    - lane speed

    - virtual channel

    - data type

    correctly in the single camera example for the new camera or new SERDES?



  • how to make correct virtual channel and lane polarity?

    and lane speed means CSI2PHYCLK?

  • Can you please check what the virtual channel id at which deserializer is sending data? 

    Ignore lane polarity. This is fixed and cannot be changed. 

    In single camera application, the lane speed is hard coded to 1.5Gbps. Is your deserializer sending out at different lane speed?



  • If I would like use deserializer on CSI1 bus send data how to set virtual channel and if CSI0 how to set ?

    my derserializer is maxim MAX96712 GMSL2,and camera is 2M has ISP YUV422 8bit out,how does it lane speed?

  • This should be some configuration in Maxim deserializer. Please check your deserializer configuration to figure out virtual channel and lane speed. If possible check also with your Maxim support. 

  • the virtual channel use channel 0 and lane speed is 1.5Gbps

  • Hi,

    ok, When is your deserializer and camera are enabled to start streaming? This should be done only after verifyGraph is done. Could you please check?



  • It is enabled by call the StreamOn API,with my camera how to set virtual channel in driver?

  • hi xu ji,

    Can you check if the lane status is toggling in the phy_status register, at 0x04504048? This should help to understand if CSIRX is detecting some valid signals on lanes or not. 



  • how to check the register?

  • use command "devmem2 0x04504048" from the command prompt.



  • I used CSI1 port and then dump 0x04514048 is it right?

    the value is 0x00333307

  • Yes, can you please read it multiple times and see if the value is changing? 

  • I check it before run camera app value is 0x00222206 after run app the value is 0x00333307

  • It should be toggling even you are running the usecase. 

  • when app running the value always 0x00333307

  • is it means no mipi signals come?

  • Hi xu ji,

    I think you are using single camera example, in this example, you need to set pixel_format to UYVY in sensor layer to configure it for YUV422 format. So could you please confirm if this format is setup correctly?

    if(sensorParams.sensorInfo.raw_params.format[0].pixel_container == VX_DF_IMAGE_UYVY)
        yuv_cam_input = vx_true_e;
        printf("YUV Input selected. VISS and AEWB nodes will be bypassed. \n");

    Could you also check that sensor and deserializer are not started in the set config callback and they are only started in the stream on callback? 



  • yes I used single camera example and the driver config is {VX_DF_IMAGE_UYVY, 7}

    the set config and start stream all running,copy the log:

    Sensor selected : GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY
    app_init done
    Querying GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY
    35.219209 s: ISS: Querying sensor [GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY] ... !!!
    35.219472 s: ISS: Querying sensor [GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY] ... Done !!!
    YUV Input selected. VISS and AEWB nodes will be bypassed.
    Sensor DCC is enabled
    Sensor width = 1920
    Sensor height = 1080
    Sensor DCC ID = 5233
    Sensor Supported Features = 0x100
    Sensor Enabled Features = 0x100
    35.219504 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY], doing IM_SENSOR_CMD_PWRON ... !!!
    35.219931 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY], doing IM_SENSOR_CMD_CONFIG ... !!!
    [MCU2_0] 35.219311 s: ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: IM_SENSOR_CMD_QUERY
    [MCU2_0] 35.219382 s: Received Query for GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY
    [MCU2_0] 35.219572 s: ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: IM_SENSOR_CMD_PWRON
    [MCU2_0] 35.219659 s: IM_SENSOR_CMD_PWRON : channel_mask = 0x1
    [MCU2_0] 35.219834 s: ****** PowerOn GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY *****
    [MCU2_0] 35.220004 s: ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: IM_SENSOR_CMD_CONFIG
    [MCU2_0] 35.220052 s: Application requested features = 0x100
    [MCU2_0] 35.220090 s: Configuring camera # 0
    [MCU2_0] 35.220138 s: ****** Configuring GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY *****
    [MCU2_0] 35.220192 s: max96716_cfgScript : max96716 I2cAddr = 0x6b
    [MCU2_0] 35.220219 s: MAX96712 config start
    [MCU2_0] 35.220256 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0013 0x75
    [MCU2_0] 35.330035 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0013] = 0x35
    [MCU2_0] 35.330106 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x040b 0x00
    [MCU2_0] 35.341009 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x040b] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 35.341075 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0006 0xf1
    [MCU2_0] 35.352006 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0006] = 0xf1
    [MCU2_0] 35.352069 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0010 0x11
    [MCU2_0] 35.363006 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0010] = 0x11
    [MCU2_0] 35.363072 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0011 0x11
    [MCU2_0] 35.374009 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0011] = 0x11
    [MCU2_0] 35.374070 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x00f0 0x40
    [MCU2_0] 35.385006 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x00f0] = 0x40
    [MCU2_0] 35.385068 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x00f1 0xc8
    [MCU2_0] 35.396002 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x00f1] = 0xc8
    [MCU2_0] 35.396063 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x00f4 0x0f
    [MCU2_0] 35.407011 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x00f4] = 0xf
    [MCU2_0] 35.407077 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x08a0 0x04
    [MCU2_0] 35.418012 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x08a0] = 0x4
    [MCU2_0] 35.418075 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x08a3 0xe4
    [MCU2_0] 35.429003 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x08a3] = 0xe4
    [MCU2_0] 35.429066 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x08a4 0xe4
    [MCU2_0] 35.440007 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x08a4] = 0xe4
    [MCU2_0] 35.440068 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0018 0x01
    [MCU2_0] 35.580064 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0018] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 35.580144 s: End of MAX96712 config
    [MCU2_0] 35.580174 s: max96717 config start : slaveAddr = 0x40
    [MCU2_0] 35.580221 s: [max96717_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x318 0x5e
    [MCU2_0] 35.591046 s: Read max96717 I2c address at 0x40, Reg[0x0318] = 0x5e
    [MCU2_0] 35.591113 s: [max96717_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x2d3 0x10
    [MCU2_0] 35.602044 s: Read max96717 I2c address at 0x40, Reg[0x02d3] = 0x18
    [MCU2_0] 35.602107 s: [max96717_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x331 0x33
    [MCU2_0] 35.613058 s: Read max96717 I2c address at 0x40, Reg[0x0331] = 0x30
    [MCU2_0] 35.613124 s: [max96717_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x570 0x00
    [MCU2_0] 35.624041 s: Read max96717 I2c address at 0x40, Reg[0x0570] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 35.624102 s: [max96717_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x3f1 0x09
    [MCU2_0] 35.635042 s: Read max96717 I2c address at 0x40, Reg[0x03f1] = 0x9
    [MCU2_0] 35.635104 s: [max96717_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x3f0 0x51
    [MCU2_0] 35.646041 s: Read max96717 I2c address at 0x40, Reg[0x03f0] = 0xd1
    [MCU2_0] 35.646083 s: End of max96717 config
    [MCU2_0] 35.646126 s: max96716_cfgScript : max96716 I2cAddr = 0x6b
    [MCU2_0] 35.646153 s: MAX96712 config start
    [MCU2_0] 35.646189 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x041a 0xf0
    [MCU2_0] 35.657046 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x041a] = 0xf0
    [MCU2_0] 35.657113 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x040b 0x40
    [MCU2_0] 35.668043 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x040b] = 0x40
    [MCU2_0] 35.668106 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x040c 0x00
    [MCU2_0] 35.679035 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x040c] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 35.679095 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x040d 0x00
    [MCU2_0] 35.690039 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x040d] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 35.690105 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x040e 0x5e
    [MCU2_0] 35.701044 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x040e] = 0x5e
    [MCU2_0] 35.701109 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x040f 0x7e
    [MCU2_0] 35.712044 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x040f] = 0x7e
    [MCU2_0] 35.712110 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0410 0x7a
    [MCU2_0] 35.723040 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0410] = 0x7a
    [MCU2_0] 35.723107 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0411 0x48
    [MCU2_0] 35.734041 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0411] = 0x48
    [MCU2_0] 35.734109 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0412 0x20
    [MCU2_0] 35.745043 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0412] = 0x20
    [MCU2_0] 35.745103 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x090b 0x07
    [MCU2_0] 35.756052 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x090b] = 0x7
    [MCU2_0] 35.756117 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x092d 0x15
    [MCU2_0] 35.767042 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x092d] = 0x15
    [MCU2_0] 35.767106 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x090d 0x1e
    [MCU2_0] 35.778039 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x090d] = 0x1e
    [MCU2_0] 35.778098 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x090e 0x1e
    [MCU2_0] 35.789039 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x090e] = 0x1e
    [MCU2_0] 35.789101 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x090f 0x00
    [MCU2_0] 35.800037 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x090f] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 35.800105 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0910 0x00
    [MCU2_0] 35.811049 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0910] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 35.811116 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0911 0x01
    [MCU2_0] 35.822041 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0911] = 0x1
    [MCU2_0] 35.822100 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0912 0x01
    [MCU2_0] 35.833035 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0912] = 0x1
    [MCU2_0] 35.833093 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x094b 0x07
    [MCU2_0] 35.844044 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x094b] = 0x7
    [MCU2_0] 35.844107 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x096d 0x15
    [MCU2_0] 35.855051 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x096d] = 0x15
    [MCU2_0] 35.855118 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x094d 0x1e
    [MCU2_0] 35.866044 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x094d] = 0x1e
    [MCU2_0] 35.866105 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x094e 0x5e
    [MCU2_0] 35.877040 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x094e] = 0x5e
    [MCU2_0] 35.877100 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x094f 0x00
    [MCU2_0] 35.888042 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x094f] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 35.888100 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0950 0x40
    [MCU2_0] 35.899043 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0950] = 0x40
    [MCU2_0] 35.899104 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0951 0x01
    [MCU2_0] 35.910048 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0951] = 0x1
    [MCU2_0] 35.910113 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0952 0x41
    [MCU2_0] 35.921036 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0952] = 0x41
    [MCU2_0] 35.921096 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x098b 0x07
    [MCU2_0] 35.932035 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x098b] = 0x7
    [MCU2_0] 35.932098 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x09ad 0x15
    [MCU2_0] 35.943033 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x09ad] = 0x15
    [MCU2_0] 35.943093 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x098d 0x1e
    [MCU2_0] 35.954036 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x098d] = 0x1e
    [MCU2_0] 35.954098 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x098e 0x9e
    [MCU2_0] 35.965042 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x098e] = 0x9e
    [MCU2_0] 35.965105 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x098f 0x00
    [MCU2_0] 35.976035 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x098f] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 35.976097 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0990 0x80
    [MCU2_0] 35.987041 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0990] = 0x80
    [MCU2_0] 35.987104 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0991 0x01
    [MCU2_0] 35.998048 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0991] = 0x1
    [MCU2_0] 35.998114 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0992 0x81
    [MCU2_0] 36.009052 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0992] = 0x81
    [MCU2_0] 36.009117 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x09cb 0x07
    [MCU2_0] 36.020040 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x09cb] = 0x7
    [MCU2_0] 36.020101 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x09ed 0x15
    [MCU2_0] 36.031040 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x09ed] = 0x15
    [MCU2_0] 36.031100 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x09cd 0x1e
    [MCU2_0] 36.042037 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x09cd] = 0x1e
    [MCU2_0] 36.042101 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x09ce 0xde
    [MCU2_0] 36.053036 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x09ce] = 0xde
    [MCU2_0] 36.053097 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x09cf 0x00
    [MCU2_0] 36.064044 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x09cf] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 36.064106 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x09d0 0xc0
    [MCU2_0] 36.075041 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x09d0] = 0xc0
    [MCU2_0] 36.075104 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x09d1 0x01
    [MCU2_0] 36.086037 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x09d1] = 0x1
    [MCU2_0] 36.086096 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x09d2 0xc1
    [MCU2_0] 36.111054 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x09d2] = 0xc1
    [MCU2_0] 36.111126 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x090a 0xc0
    [MCU2_0] 36.122038 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x090a] = 0xc0
    [MCU2_0] 36.122102 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x094a 0xc0
    [MCU2_0] 36.133039 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x094a] = 0xc0
    [MCU2_0] 36.133101 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x098a 0xc0
    [MCU2_0] 36.144033 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x098a] = 0xc0
    [MCU2_0] 36.144093 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x09ca 0xc0
    [MCU2_0] 36.155043 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x09ca] = 0xc0
    [MCU2_0] 36.155108 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x08a2 0xf0
    [MCU2_0] 36.166039 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x08a2] = 0xf0
    [MCU2_0] 36.166102 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x1c00 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.177038 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x1c00] = 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.177100 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x1d00 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.188040 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x1d00] = 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.188101 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x1e00 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.199039 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x1e00] = 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.199098 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x1f00 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.210049 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x1f00] = 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.210116 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0415 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.221039 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0415] = 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.221102 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x0418 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.232040 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x0418] = 0xf4
    [MCU2_0] 36.232104 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x1c00 0xf5
    [MCU2_0] 36.243035 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x1c00] = 0xf5
    [MCU2_0] 36.243094 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x1d00 0xf5
    [MCU2_0] 36.254035 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x1d00] = 0xf5
    [MCU2_0] 36.254094 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x1e00 0xf5
    [MCU2_0] 36.265044 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x1e00] = 0xf5
    [MCU2_0] 36.265110 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x1f00 0xf5
    36.276210 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY] ... Done !!!
    Creating graph
    Initializing params for capture node
    Initializing params for capture node
    local_capture_config.instId[0] = 1
    local_capture_config.chInstMap[0] = 1
    local_capture_config.chInstMap[1] = 1
    local_capture_config.numDataLanes = 4
    local_capture_config.dataLanesMap[0] = 1
    local_capture_config.dataLanesMap[1] = 2
    local_capture_config.dataLanesMap[2] = 3
    local_capture_config.dataLanesMap[3] = 4
    capture_config = 0x0x6f7290
    Creating capture node
    obj->capture_node = 0x0x6b1b90
    Enabling LDC
    [MCU2_0] 36.276041 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x1f00] = 0xf5
    [MCU2_0] 36.276086 s: End of MAX96712 config
    [MCU2_0] 36.276112 s: IM_SENSOR_CMD_CONFIG returning status = 0
    Display Set Target done
    vxSetGraphScheduleConfig done
    Scaler is enabled
    app_create_graph exiting
    app_create_graph done

    Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A

    p: Print performance statistics

    s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System

    e: Export performance statistics

    u: Update DCC from File System

    x: Exit

    Enter Choice:
    Unsupported command

    Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A

    p: Print performance statistics

    s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System

    e: Export performance statistics

    u: Update DCC from File System

    x: Exit

    Enter Choice: 36.331229 s: ISS: Starting sensor [GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY] ... !!!
    [MCU2_0] 36.331351 s: ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler: IM_SENSOR_CMD_STREAM_ON
    [MCU2_0] 36.331433 s: [ImageSensor_RemoteServiceHandler,3587] running Cap GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY
    [MCU2_0] 36.331477 s: IM_SENSOR_CMD_STREAM_ON: channel_mask = 0x1
    [MCU2_0] 36.331507 s: Starting camera # 0
    [MCU2_0] 36.331550 s: Entering IssSensor_Start
    [MCU2_0] 36.331595 s: ****** Starting GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY *****
    [MCU2_0] 36.331646 s: max96716_cfgScript : max96716 I2cAddr = 0x6b
    [MCU2_0] 36.331677 s: MAX96712 config start
    [MCU2_0] 36.331716 s: [max96712_cfgScript] :rawRegVal: 0x040b 0x02
    [MCU2_0] 36.358051 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x6b, Reg[0x040b] = 0x2
    [MCU2_0] 36.358098 s: End of MAX96712 config
    37.363591 s: ISS: Starting sensor [GW_AR0233_MAX96717_UYVY] ... !!!
    [MCU2_0] 37.358072 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, RX_Rate Reg[0x0010] = 0x22
    [MCU2_0] 37.358340 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, RX_Rate Reg[0x0011] = 0x22
    [MCU2_0] 37.358484 s: Read 9295 I2c address at 0x62, 4 data lane Reg[0x0331] = 0x22
    [MCU2_0] 37.358624 s: Read 9295 I2c address at 0x62, 4 data lane Reg[0x0332] = 0x22
    [MCU2_0] 37.358764 s: Read 9295 I2c address at 0x62, 4 data lane Reg[0x0333] = 0x22
    [MCU2_0] 37.359033 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Link A locked Reg[0x1a] = 0x12
    [MCU2_0] 37.359277 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Link B locked Reg[0xa] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 37.359516 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Link C locked Reg[0xb] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 37.359755 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Link D locked Reg[0xc] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 37.360002 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Packet Counter tx0 tx1 Reg[0x8d0] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 37.360250 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Packet Counter tx2 tx3 Reg[0x8d1] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 37.360493 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Packet Counter PHY0 PHY1 Reg[0x8d2] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 37.360733 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Packet Counter PHY2 PHY3 Reg[0x8d3] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 37.360979 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, FIFO overflow Reg[0x40a] = 0x0
    [MCU2_0] 37.361222 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Video locked Reg[0x1dc] = 0x80
    [MCU2_0] 37.361460 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Video locked Reg[0x1fc] = 0x80
    [MCU2_0] 37.361693 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Video locked Reg[0x21c] = 0x80
    [MCU2_0] 37.361937 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Video locked Reg[0x23c] = 0x80
    [MCU2_0] 37.362179 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Video locked Reg[0x25c] = 0x80
    [MCU2_0] 37.362417 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Video locked Reg[0x27c] = 0x80
    [MCU2_0] 37.362651 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Video locked Reg[0x29c] = 0x80
    [MCU2_0] 37.362903 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, Video locked Reg[0x2bc] = 0x80
    [MCU2_0] 37.363146 s: Read 96712 I2c address at 0x29, CSIPLL locked Reg[0x400] = 0x61
    [MCU2_0] 37.363287 s: Read 9295 I2c address at 0x62, Link locked Reg[0x13] = 0x61
    [MCU2_0] 37.363471 s: Read 9295 I2c address at 0x62, channel locked Reg[0x414] = 0x61
    [MCU2_0] 37.364024 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:[tivxCaptureSetTimeout:760] CAPTURE: WARNING: Error frame not provided using tivxCaptureRegisterErrorFrame, defaulting to waiting forever !!!

  • It is des registers setting issue,it is ok now

  • Hi xu ji,

    Thanks a lot.

    Could you please share the change in deserializer settings? 



  • only changed this two:

    0xf0 set 0x61 

    oxf1 set 0x76

  • Thanks a lot, closing this thread.