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I encountered some problems when I use TDA4 board for ISP tuning, the SDK version used in board is 7.02, The problem is described as follows:
1. When I save images on DCC 2.02, the error below will show up, and failed to save images,
the connection of board and PC is checked OK, as shown in figures below, the board can be pinged successfully through Ethernet,
Can you give me some help about this? Is it the DCC problem or the SDK code needs to be changed?
2. The image displayed in LCD Monitor through DP line is only a quarter of the original image of the sensor, the resolution of the screen is 1920*1080 while the resolution of sensor image is 3848*2168, how can the screen completely display the camera image? Can this be achieved by changing the SDK code part?
1. Which app is being run on the EVM when you attempt RAW/YUV capture? Please ensure that you are running app_single_cam
2. RTOS does not have support for 4K display. Therefore VISS output is downscaled to 1920x1080 for display.
The app I run is app_multi_cam, is this app not supporting the use of DCC to capture images?
Can the sensor image be scaled in the SDK code before be displayed?
And when I run app_single_cam, the image shown in monitor is wrong, there is nothing but full of color stripes. Is there a problem with the app_single_cam configuration?
app_multi_cam does not have support for Live Tuning, needed for runtime interaction with DCC Tuning Tool. Please use app_single_cam.
Can you please share the image you see with app_single_cam? If you can capture RAW and YUV image from tuning tool, please share those. Also list the steps you use - sensor, LDC selection etc.
Thanks for your reply.
The image of app_single_cam I saw on the monitor is shown below:
while the image of app_multi_cam I saw on the monitor is shown below:
but the YUV image saved from the board use app_multi_cam is bigger than the image on the monitor, the YUV/RAW images save from the board are uploaded below:
You can see the steps I use (sensor, LDC selection) in the log files below:
root@TDA4-Borad:/opt/vision_apps# ./ APP: Init ... !!! MEM: Init ... !!! MEM: Initialized DMA HEAP (fd=4) !!! MEM: Init ... Done !!! IPC: Init ... !!! IPC: Init ... Done !!! REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! APP: Init ... Done !!! 175.042204 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled 175.042213 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled 175.042217 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled 175.042682 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInit:71] Initialization Done !!! 175.042882 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxHostInit:48] Initialization Done for HOST !!! sensor_selection = [0] ldc_enable = [0] num_frames_to_run = [1000000000] is_interactive = [1] IttCtrl_registerHandler: command echo registered at location 0 IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_read_2a_params registered at location 1 IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_write_2a_params registered at location 2 IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_raw_save registered at location 3 IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_yuv_save registered at location 4 IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_read_sensor_reg registered at location 5 IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_write_sensor_reg registered at location 6 IttCtrl_registerHandler: command dev_ctrl registered at location 7 IttCtrl_registerHandler: command iss_send_dcc_file registered at location 8 NETWORK: Opened at IP Addr =, socket port=5000!!! 175.043800 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... !!! 175.044672 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 0 : AR0233-UB953_MARS 175.044689 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 1 : AR0820-UB953_LI 175.044694 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 2 : GW_AR0233_UYVY 175.044698 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 3 : AR0220-UB953_MARS 175.044703 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 4 : AR0820-MAX9295_LI 175.044707 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 5 : AR0233-MAX9295_MARS 175.044711 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 6 : AR0233-MAX9295_MARS_MULTI 175.044715 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 7 : AR0820-MAX9295_LI_MULTI 8 sensor(s) found Supported sensor list: a : AR0233-UB953_MARS b : AR0820-UB953_LI c : GW_AR0233_UYVY d : AR0220-UB953_MARS e : AR0820-MAX9295_LI f : AR0233-MAX9295_MARS g : AR0233-MAX9295_MARS_MULTI h : AR0820-MAX9295_LI_MULTI Select a sensor e LDC Selection Yes(1)/No(0) LDC Selection Yes(1)/No(0) 1 Sensor selected : AR0820-MAX9295_LI Querying AR0820-MAX9295_LI 178.894468 s: ISS: Querying sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... !!! 178.894710 s: ISS: Querying sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... Done !!! 178.894716 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI], doing IM_SENSOR_CMD_PWRON ... !!! 178.894945 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI], doing IM_SENSOR_CMD_CONFIG ... !!! 182.870772 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... Done !!! Test data path is NULL. Defaulting to current folder reading test RAW image .//img_test.raw read_test_image_raw : Unable to open file .//img_test.raw Enabling LDC Scaler is disabled ========================== Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A ========================== p: Print performance statistics s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System e: Export performance statistics u: Update DCC from File System x: Exit Enter Choice: Unsupported command ========================== Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A ========================== p: Print performance statistics s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System e: Export performance statistics u: Update DCC from File System x: Exit Enter Choice: 182.930818 s: ISS: Starting sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... !!! 183.976358 s: ISS: Starting sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... !!! s Test data path is NULL. Defaulting to current folder RAW file name .//img_0000.raw YUV file name .//img_viss_0000.yuv imgaddr_width = 3848 imgaddr_height = 2168 imgaddr_stride = 3904 width = 3848 height = 2168 Written 12513696 bytes H3A file name .//h3a_0000.bin YUV file name .//img_ldc_0000.yuv imgaddr_width = 1920 imgaddr_height = 1080 imgaddr_stride = 1920 width = 1920 height = 1080 Written 3110400 bytes ========================== Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A ========================== p: Print performance statistics s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System e: Export performance statistics u: Update DCC from File System x: Exit Enter Choice: Unsupported command ========================== Demo : Single Camera w/ 2A ========================== p: Print performance statistics s: Save Sensor RAW, VISS Output and H3A output images to File System e: Export performance statistics u: Update DCC from File System x: Exit Enter Choice: x 201.428762 s: ISS: Stopping sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... !!! 201.465575 s: ISS: Stopping sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... Done !!! 201.534544 s: ISS: Stopping sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... !!! 201.571563 s: ISS: Stopping sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... Done !!! 201.579936 s: ISS: De-initializing sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... !!! 201.580063 s: ISS: De-initializing sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... Done !!! 201.580072 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxHostDeInit:56] De-Initialization Done for HOST !!! 201.584387 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxDeInit:111] De-Initialization Done !!! APP: Deinit ... !!! REMOTE_SERVICE: Deinit ... !!! REMOTE_SERVICE: Deinit ... Done !!! IPC: Deinit ... !!! IPC: DeInit ... Done !!! MEM: Deinit ... !!! MEM: Alloc's: 36 alloc's of 147803948 bytes MEM: Free's : 36 free's of 147803948 bytes MEM: Open's : 0 allocs of 0 bytes MEM: Deinit ... Done !!! APP: Deinit ... Done !!! root@TDA4-Borad:/opt/vision_apps# ./ APP: Init ... !!! MEM: Init ... !!! MEM: Initialized DMA HEAP (fd=4) !!! MEM: Init ... Done !!! IPC: Init ... !!! IPC: Init ... Done !!! REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! APP: Init ... Done !!! 208.085669 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled 208.085710 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled 208.085715 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled 208.086292 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInit:71] Initialization Done !!! 208.086510 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxHostInit:48] Initialization Done for HOST !!! 208.088727 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... !!! 208.089150 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 0 : AR0233-UB953_MARS 208.089166 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 1 : AR0820-UB953_LI 208.089171 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 2 : GW_AR0233_UYVY 208.089176 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 3 : AR0220-UB953_MARS 208.089180 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 4 : AR0820-MAX9295_LI 208.089185 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 5 : AR0233-MAX9295_MARS 208.089189 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 6 : AR0233-MAX9295_MARS_MULTI 208.089193 s: ISS: Enumerating sensors ... found 7 : AR0820-MAX9295_LI_MULTI 8 sensor(s) found Supported sensor list: a : AR0233-UB953_MARS b : AR0820-UB953_LI c : GW_AR0233_UYVY d : AR0220-UB953_MARS e : AR0820-MAX9295_LI f : AR0233-MAX9295_MARS g : AR0233-MAX9295_MARS_MULTI h : AR0820-MAX9295_LI_MULTI Select a sensor e Sensor selected : AR0820-MAX9295_LI Querying AR0820-MAX9295_LI 209.471373 s: ISS: Querying sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... !!! 209.471624 s: ISS: Querying sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... Done !!! LDC Selection Yes(1)/No(0) Invalid selection . Try again LDC Selection Yes(1)/No(0) 1 Max number of cameras supported by sensor AR0820-MAX9295_LI = 1 Please enter number of cameras to be enabled Invalid selection . Try again Max number of cameras supported by sensor AR0820-MAX9295_LI = 1 Please enter number of cameras to be enabled 1 211.928067 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI], doing IM_SENSOR_CMD_PWRON ... !!! 211.928410 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI], doing IM_SENSOR_CMD_CONFIG ... !!! 215.903760 s: ISS: Initializing sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... Done !!! 216.111280 s: ISS: Starting sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... !!! 217.157353 s: ISS: Starting sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... !!! ========================= Demo : Camera Demo ========================= s: Save CSIx, VISS and LDC outputs p: Print performance statistics x: Exit Enter Choice: ========================= Demo : Camera Demo ========================= s: Save CSIx, VISS and LDC outputs p: Print performance statistics x: Exit Enter Choice: s save_debug_images YUV file name .//img_viss_0000_Ch00.yuv imgaddr_width = 3848 imgaddr_height = 2168 imgaddr_stride = 3904 width = 3848 height = 2168 Written 12513696 bytes YUV file name .//img_ldc_0000_Ch00.yuv imgaddr_width = 1920 imgaddr_height = 1080 imgaddr_stride = 1920 width = 1920 height = 1080 Written 3110400 bytes ========================= Demo : Camera Demo ========================= s: Save CSIx, VISS and LDC outputs p: Print performance statistics x: Exit Enter Choice: ========================= Demo : Camera Demo ========================= s: Save CSIx, VISS and LDC outputs p: Print performance statistics x: Exit Enter Choice: x 372.062132 s: ISS: Stopping sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... !!! 372.098585 s: ISS: Stopping sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... Done !!! 372.179743 s: ISS: De-initializing sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... !!! 372.179875 s: ISS: De-initializing sensor [AR0820-MAX9295_LI] ... Done !!! 372.180470 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:[vxReleaseContext:1011] Found a reference 0x72f4c8 of type 0000080f at external count 1, internal count 0, relt 372.180479 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:[vxReleaseContext:1015] Unreleased reference name = image_105 372.180484 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:[vxReleaseContext:1017] Releasing reference now as a part of garbage collection 372.180525 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:[vxReleaseContext:1011] Found a reference 0x72fa38 of type 0000080f at external count 1, internal count 0, relt 372.180531 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:[vxReleaseContext:1015] Unreleased reference name = image_119 372.180536 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:[vxReleaseContext:1017] Releasing reference now as a part of garbage collection 372.180579 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxHostDeInit:56] De-Initialization Done for HOST !!! 372.184898 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxDeInit:111] De-Initialization Done !!! APP: Deinit ... !!! REMOTE_SERVICE: Deinit ... !!! REMOTE_SERVICE: Deinit ... Done !!! IPC: Deinit ... !!! IPC: DeInit ... Done !!! MEM: Deinit ... !!! MEM: Alloc's: 49 alloc's of 143531982 bytes MEM: Free's : 49 free's of 143531982 bytes MEM: Open's : 0 allocs of 0 bytes MEM: Deinit ... Done !!! APP: Deinit ... Done !!! root@TDA4-Borad:/opt/vision_apps#
If you find anything from these documents, please let me know in time, I will appreciate it.
VISS output from app_single_cam is correct. The issue is that MSC tries to downscale it to 1920x1080, but max downscale possible is 4x. 3848x2168 exceeds this ratio. It seems like app_multi_cam is displaying the image without downscale, therefore it looks correct but only top-left quarter of the image is displayed.
Is it possible to configure the sensor as 3840x2160? If you can do this, app_single_cam will display correctly scaled full screen image.
Okay, I understand now, thanks.
I will try to configure the sensor to 3840*2160 to see if it can be displayed normally on the screen.
One more thing, can the problem of app_single_cam not displaying images normally be located because the sensor driver configuration is incorrect?
sensor driver configuration is not incorrect, but it is slightly higher than 4x of max display resolution (1920x1080).
Yes, I understand that the image from app_multi_cam is not fully displayed on the screen because of the ratio problem, but the image from app_single_cam is abnormal. I think this may be related to the sensor configuration.
I think the ratio problem will only affect the display on the screen. The image saved on the board from app_single_cam should be normal. Isn't this problem caused by the sensor configuration? Or can you give some suggestions on the possible causes of this problem?
ISP output image saved from the board is correct. Please see attached
Your sensor configuration is fine. The issue is with display.
Is the file you opened img_viss_0000_Ch00.yuv or img_viss 0000.yuv?
The image files img_viss_0000_Ch00.yuv and img_ldc_0000_Ch00.yuv were saved by app_multi_cam, we can see normal images after opening img_viss_0000_Ch00.yuv, as shown in your reply.
The other five files were saved by app_single_cam, the image we seen is abnormal after opening img_viss_0000.yuv (or img_0000.raw), as shown below:
I think this may be related to the configuration of the sensor. What do you think about this problem?
I see the issue. Sensor configuration is the same through both the apps. The only difference is that app_single_cam checks if a 60fps mode is supported by the driver and enables it by default if the driver supports. You can disable that by removing the following code in app_single_cam_main.c
if(ISS_SENSOR_FEATURE_CFG_UC1 == (sensor_features_supported & ISS_SENSOR_FEATURE_CFG_UC1))
APP_PRINTF("CMS Usecase is supported \n");
sensor_features_enabled |= ISS_SENSOR_FEATURE_CFG_UC1;
After this change, sensor configuration is guaranteed to be the same between the two apps.
Okay, I get it, thanks.
I will try this method to see if this is the reason for the abnormal output of app_single_cam.
Hi, I have a question to ask you after I changed to a newer tda4 board:
When I run the app "", there is an error keeps appearing: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found; EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found.
There are the app and log:
export VX_TEST_DATA_PATH=/opt/vision_apps/test_data # Location of DLR library export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib:/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dlr # Location of the input data for PTK demos export TIAP_DATABASE_PATH=/opt/vision_apps/test_data_ptk # Location of the input data for Stereo demo export APP_STEREO_DATA_PATH=$VX_TEST_DATA_PATH/psdkra/stereo_test_data # APP config path for PTK demos export APP_CONFIG_BASE_PATH=/opt/vision_apps/ptk_app_cfg /opt/vision_apps/vx_app_arm_remote_log.out &
root@TDA4-Board:/opt/vision_apps# source ./ root@TDA4-Board:/opt/vision_apps# [MCU2_0] 3.583914 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 3.583995 s: ### CPU Frequency <ORG = 1000000000 Hz>, <NEW = 1000000000 Hz> [MCU2_0] 3.584042 s: APP: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 3.584063 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 3.585223 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [20.8.5--v2020.08b (Terrific Lla] [MCU2_0] 3.585276 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x14 [MCU2_0] 3.585304 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [MCU2_0] 3.585329 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 3.585350 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 3.595314 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 3.595371 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 3.595412 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SHARED_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ e1000000 of size 16777216 bytes !!! [MCU2_0] 3.595472 s: MEM: Created heap (L3_MEM, id=1, flags=0x00000000) @ 3600000 of size 131072 bytes !!! [MCU2_0] 3.595522 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_NON_CACHE_ME, id=5, flags=0x00000000) @ d8000000 of size 16777216 bytes !!! [MCU2_0] 3.595570 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 3.595590 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 3.595625 s: IPC: 6 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [MCU2_0] 3.595661 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.002360 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [MCU2_0] 8.017698 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.017778 s: APP: Syncing with 5 CPUs ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.019960 s: APP: Syncing with 5 CPUs ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.020152 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.022251 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.022383 s: ETHFW: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.063807 s: CPSW_9G Test on MAIN NAVSS [MCU2_0] 8.087773 s: EnetPhy_bindDriver: PHY 0: OUI:000732 Model:33 Ver:00 <-> 'generic' : OK [MCU2_0] 8.088116 s: EnetPhy_bindDriver: PHY 3: OUI:000732 Model:33 Ver:00 <-> 'generic' : OK [MCU2_0] 8.088354 s: PHY 0 is alive [MCU2_0] 8.088416 s: PHY 1 is alive [MCU2_0] 8.088442 s: PHY 2 is alive [MCU2_0] 8.088464 s: PHY 3 is alive [MCU2_0] 8.090371 s: ETHFW: Version : 0.01.01 [MCU2_0] 8.090451 s: ETHFW: Build Date: Nov 22, 2021 [MCU2_0] 8.090480 s: ETHFW: Build Time: 15:51:17 [MCU2_0] 8.090500 s: ETHFW: Commit SHA: [MCU2_0] 8.090526 s: ETHFW: Init ... DONE !!! [MCU2_0] 8.090551 s: ETHFW: Remove server Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.092090 s: Remote demo device (core : mcu2_0) ..... [MCU2_0] 8.092161 s: ETHFW: Remove server Init ... DONE !!! [MCU2_0] 8.116992 s: Host MAC address: 70:ff:76:1d:92:c2 [MCU2_0] 8.141285 s: FVID2: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.141420 s: FVID2: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.141474 s: DSS: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.141520 s: DSS: Display type is eDP !!! [MCU2_0] 8.141551 s: DSS: SoC init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.141572 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=152 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.143049 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.143101 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=297 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.145224 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.145273 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=151 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.146639 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.146678 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleClkParent module=152 clk=9 parent=11 [MCU2_0] 8.147298 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleClkParent success [MCU2_0] 8.147337 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleClkParent module=152 clk=13 parent=18 [MCU2_0] 8.147826 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleClkParent success [MCU2_0] 8.147860 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleClkParent module=152 clk=1 parent=2 [MCU2_0] 8.148390 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleClkParent success [MCU2_0] 8.148432 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleClkFreq module=152 clk=1 freq=148500000 [MCU2_0] 8.168265 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleClkFreq success [MCU2_0] 8.168304 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmModuleClkRequest module=152 clk=1 state=2 flag=0 [MCU2_0] 8.168789 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmModuleClkRequest success [MCU2_0] 8.168822 s: DSS: SoC init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.168847 s: DSS: Board init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.168869 s: DSS: Board init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.195541 s: DSS: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.195619 s: VHWA: VPAC Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.195649 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=290 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.196464 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.196511 s: VHWA: LDC Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.210750 s: VHWA: LDC Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.210816 s: VHWA: MSC Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.255039 s: VHWA: MSC Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.255115 s: VHWA: NF Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.263457 s: VHWA: NF Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.263529 s: VHWA: VISS Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.297380 s: VHWA: VISS Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.297447 s: VHWA: VPAC Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.297489 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [MCU2_0] 8.297514 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [MCU2_0] 8.297535 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [MCU2_0] 8.298803 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target IPU1-0 [MCU2_0] 8.299174 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target VPAC_NF [MCU2_0] 8.299585 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target VPAC_LDC1 [MCU2_0] 8.299964 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target VPAC_MSC1 [MCU2_0] 8.300392 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target VPAC_MSC2 [MCU2_0] 8.300815 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target VPAC_VISS1 [MCU2_0] 8.301187 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target CAPTURE1 [MCU2_0] 8.301632 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target CAPTURE2 [MCU2_0] 8.302035 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target DISPLAY1 [MCU2_0] 8.302469 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target DISPLAY2 [MCU2_0] 8.302835 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target CSITX [MCU2_0] 8.303214 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target CAPTURE3 [MCU2_0] 8.303671 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target CAPTURE4 [MCU2_0] 8.304082 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target CAPTURE5 [MCU2_0] 8.304550 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target CAPTURE6 [MCU2_0] 8.304964 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target CAPTURE7 [MCU2_0] 8.305388 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target CAPTURE8 [MCU2_0] 8.305455 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInit:71] Initialization Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.305489 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.319369 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.319438 s: CSI2RX: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.319467 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=25 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.319997 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.320039 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=26 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.320856 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.320896 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=27 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.321863 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.321903 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=147 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.322445 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.322484 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=148 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.323021 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.326325 s: CSI2RX: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.326385 s: CSI2TX: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.326411 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=25 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.326849 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.326886 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=28 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.327849 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.327896 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=296 state=2 [MCU2_0] 8.328707 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 8.332056 s: CSI2TX: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.332120 s: ISS: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.332160 s: IssSensor_Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.332287 s: vissRemoteServer_Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.332379 s: IttRemoteServer_Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.332414 s: UDMA Copy: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.340464 s: UDMA Copy: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.340545 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.340575 s: APP: Run ... !!! [MCU2_0] 8.340595 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [MCU2_0] 8.343313 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 8.346171 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[s] mcu2_1[.] C66X_1[.] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[.] [MCU2_0] 8.346548 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[s] mcu2_1[.] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[.] [MCU2_0] 8.346723 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[s] mcu2_1[P] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[.] [MCU2_0] 8.346872 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[s] mcu2_1[P] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[P] [MCU2_0] 8.388511 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.388751 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.488510 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.488759 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.588509 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.588754 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.688519 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.688758 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.788513 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.788760 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.888512 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.888771 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.988515 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 8.988760 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.088526 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.088767 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.188517 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.188765 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.237322 s: Function:CpswProxyServer_attachExtHandlerCb,HostId:0,CpswType:6 [MCU2_0] 9.288525 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.288772 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.388523 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.388767 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.488523 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.488769 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.588523 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.588766 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.688501 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.688763 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.788528 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.788766 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.888532 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.888785 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.988499 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 9.988742 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.088504 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.088758 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.188501 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.188760 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.288499 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.288751 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.388538 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.388781 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.488504 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.488760 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.588509 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.588752 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.688500 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.688750 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.788511 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.788757 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.888515 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.888760 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.988504 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 10.988750 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.019924 s: Function:CpswProxyServer_registerMacHandlerCb,HostId:0,Handle:a37518d4,CoreKey:38acb7e6, MacAddress:70:ff:76:1d:92:c1, FlowIdx:172, FlowIdxOffset:0 [MCU2_0] 11.023240 s: Cpsw_ioctlInternal: CPSW: Registered MAC address.ALE entry:11, Policer Entry:0 [MCU2_0] 11.023698 s: Function:CpswProxyServer_registerMacHandlerCb,HostId:0,Handle:a37518d4,CoreKey:38acb7e6, MacAddress:1:80:c2:0:0:e, FlowIdx:172, FlowIdxOffset:0 [MCU2_0] 11.026995 s: Cpsw_ioctlInternal: CPSW: Registered MAC address.ALE entry:12, Policer Entry:1 [MCU2_0] 11.027402 s: Function:CpswProxyServer_registerMacHandlerCb,HostId:0,Handle:a37518d4,CoreKey:38acb7e6, MacAddress:1:1b:19:0:0:0, FlowIdx:172, FlowIdxOffset:0 [MCU2_0] 11.030762 s: Cpsw_ioctlInternal: CPSW: Registered MAC address.ALE entry:13, Policer Entry:2 [MCU2_0] 11.031191 s: Function:CpswProxyServer_registerMacHandlerCb,HostId:0,Handle:a37518d4,CoreKey:38acb7e6, MacAddress:1:0:5e:0:0:6b, FlowIdx:172, FlowIdxOffset:0 [MCU2_0] 11.034522 s: Cpsw_ioctlInternal: CPSW: Registered MAC address.ALE entry:14, Policer Entry:3 [MCU2_0] 11.034916 s: Function:CpswProxyServer_registerMacHandlerCb,HostId:0,Handle:a37518d4,CoreKey:38acb7e6, MacAddress:1:0:5e:0:1:81, FlowIdx:172, FlowIdxOffset:0 [MCU2_0] 11.038212 s: Cpsw_ioctlInternal: CPSW: Registered MAC address.ALE entry:15, Policer Entry:4 [MCU2_0] 11.039901 s: Function:CpswProxyServer_registerMacHandlerCb,HostId:0,Handle:a37518d4,CoreKey:38acb7e6, MacAddress:1:0:5e:7f:0:1, FlowIdx:172, FlowIdxOffset:0 [MCU2_0] 11.043207 s: Cpsw_ioctlInternal: CPSW: Registered MAC address.ALE entry:16, Policer Entry:5 [MCU2_0] 11.063528 s: Function:CpswProxyServer_registerIpv4MacHandlerCb,HostId:0,Handle:a37518d4,CoreKey:38acb7e6, MacAddress:70:ff:76:1d:92:c1 IPv4Addr: [MCU2_0] 11.063715 s: Failed to add Static ARP Entry [MCU2_0] 11.063786 s: [MCU2_0] ================LLI Table entries=========== [MCU2_0] 11.063825 s: [MCU2_0] Number of Static ARP Entries: 0 [MCU2_0] 11.063852 s: [MCU2_0] SNo. IP Address MAC Address [MCU2_0] 11.063877 s: ------ ------------- --------------- [MCU2_0] 11.088507 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.088752 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.188510 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.188757 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.288512 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.288755 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.388513 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.388755 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.488512 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.488757 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.588512 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.588758 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.688514 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.688759 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.788517 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.788791 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.888519 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.888762 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.988516 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 11.988762 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 12.088518 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 12.088766 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 12.188486 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 12.188736 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 12.288492 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 12.288734 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 12.388525 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 12.388799 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 12.488490 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 12.488740 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 12.588492 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 176.361440 s: DHCP client timed out. Retrying..... [MCU2_1] 3.614179 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 3.614259 s: ### CPU Frequency <ORG = 1000000000 Hz>, <NEW = 1000000000 Hz> [MCU2_1] 3.614302 s: APP: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 3.614323 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 3.615428 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [20.8.5--v2020.08b (Terrific Lla] [MCU2_1] 3.615477 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x14 [MCU2_1] 3.615503 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [MCU2_1] 3.615527 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 3.615547 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 3.627130 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 3.627186 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 3.627225 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SHARED_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ e2000000 of size 16777216 bytes !!! [MCU2_1] 3.627308 s: MEM: Created heap (L3_MEM, id=1, flags=0x00000001) @ 3620000 of size 131072 bytes !!! [MCU2_1] 3.627372 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_NON_CACHE_ME, id=5, flags=0x00000000) @ d9000000 of size 117440512 bytes !!! [MCU2_1] 3.627420 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 3.627440 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 3.627472 s: IPC: 6 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [MCU2_1] 3.627510 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [MCU2_1] 7.954583 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [MCU2_1] 7.966840 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 7.966910 s: APP: Syncing with 5 CPUs ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.019961 s: APP: Syncing with 5 CPUs ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.020149 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.021996 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.022076 s: FVID2: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.022149 s: FVID2: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.022183 s: VHWA: DMPAC: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.022204 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=48 state=2 [MCU2_1] 8.023136 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_1] 8.023185 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=305 state=2 [MCU2_1] 8.026406 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_1] 8.026446 s: VHWA: DOF Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.075655 s: VHWA: DOF Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.075722 s: VHWA: SDE Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.092616 s: VHWA: SDE Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.092689 s: VHWA: DMPAC: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.092725 s: VHWA: Codec: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.092744 s: VHWA: VDEC Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.108872 s: VHWA: VDEC Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.108942 s: VHWA: VENC Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.110123 s: MM_ENC_Init: No OCM RAM pool available, fallback to DDR mode for above mp params [MCU2_1] 8.170048 s: VHWA: VENC Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.170106 s: VHWA: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.170145 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [MCU2_1] 8.170171 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [MCU2_1] 8.170192 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [MCU2_1] 8.171420 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target DMPAC_SDE [MCU2_1] 8.171697 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target DMPAC_DOF [MCU2_1] 8.171948 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target VDEC1 [MCU2_1] 8.172186 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target VDEC2 [MCU2_1] 8.172477 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target VENC1 [MCU2_1] 8.172734 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:55] Added target VENC2 [MCU2_1] 8.172787 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInit:71] Initialization Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.172816 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.173251 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.173348 s: UDMA Copy: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.180495 s: UDMA Copy: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.180555 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.180581 s: APP: Run ... !!! [MCU2_1] 8.180599 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [MCU2_1] 8.182852 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 8.184408 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[s] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[.] C7X_1[.] [MCU2_1] 8.184524 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[s] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[.] [MCU2_1] 8.184608 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[s] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[P] [MCU2_1] 8.345937 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[P] mcu2_1[s] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[P] [C6x_1 ] 3.667400 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.667436 s: ### CPU Frequency <ORG = 1350000000 Hz>, <NEW = 1350000000 Hz> [C6x_1 ] 3.667450 s: APP: Init ... !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.667458 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.668697 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [20.8.5--v2020.08b (Terrific Lla] [C6x_1 ] 3.668714 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x14 [C6x_1 ] 3.668723 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [C6x_1 ] 3.668733 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.668742 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.683039 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.683063 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.683077 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SHARED_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ e4000000 of size 16777216 bytes !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.683096 s: MEM: Created heap (L2_MEM, id=2, flags=0x00000001) @ 800000 of size 229376 bytes !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.683113 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SCRATCH_MEM, id=4, flags=0x00000001) @ e5000000 of size 50331648 bytes !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.683130 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.683138 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.683153 s: IPC: 6 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [C6x_1 ] 3.683167 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [C6x_1 ] 7.788927 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [C6x_1 ] 7.821833 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 7.821864 s: APP: Syncing with 5 CPUs ... !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.019958 s: APP: Syncing with 5 CPUs ... Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.019970 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.020856 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.020921 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [C6x_1 ] 8.020934 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [C6x_1 ] 8.020943 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [C6x_1 ] 8.022056 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInit:71] Initialization Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.022077 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.022495 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.022515 s: UDMA Copy: Init ... !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.044604 s: UDMA Copy: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.044634 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.050450 s: APP: Run ... !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.050463 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [C6x_1 ] 8.051680 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [C6x_1 ] 8.052072 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] C66X_1[s] C66X_2[x] C7X_1[P] [C6x_1 ] 8.053119 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] C66X_1[s] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[P] [C6x_1 ] 8.184117 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] C66X_1[s] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[P] [C6x_1 ] 8.345749 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[P] mcu2_1[P] C66X_1[s] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[P] [C6x_2 ] 3.710411 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.710447 s: ### CPU Frequency <ORG = 1350000000 Hz>, <NEW = 1350000000 Hz> [C6x_2 ] 3.710462 s: APP: Init ... !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.710470 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.711583 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [20.8.5--v2020.08b (Terrific Lla] [C6x_2 ] 3.711599 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x14 [C6x_2 ] 3.711609 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [C6x_2 ] 3.711620 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.711629 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.725670 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.725695 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.725709 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SHARED_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ e8000000 of size 16777216 bytes !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.725729 s: MEM: Created heap (L2_MEM, id=2, flags=0x00000001) @ 800000 of size 229376 bytes !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.725746 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SCRATCH_MEM, id=4, flags=0x00000001) @ e9000000 of size 50331648 bytes !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.725763 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.725772 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.725787 s: IPC: 6 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [C6x_2 ] 3.725801 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [C6x_2 ] 7.790581 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [C6x_2 ] 7.825304 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 7.825338 s: APP: Syncing with 5 CPUs ... !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.019958 s: APP: Syncing with 5 CPUs ... Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.019971 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.020892 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.020949 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [C6x_2 ] 8.020962 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [C6x_2 ] 8.020974 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [C6x_2 ] 8.022065 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInit:71] Initialization Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.022087 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.022502 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.022522 s: UDMA Copy: Init ... !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.045705 s: UDMA Copy: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.045729 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.051281 s: APP: Run ... !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.051292 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [C6x_2 ] 8.052676 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [C6x_2 ] 8.053116 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[s] C7X_1[.] [C6x_2 ] 8.053155 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[s] C7X_1[P] [C6x_2 ] 8.184153 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[s] C7X_1[P] [C6x_2 ] 8.345787 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[P] mcu2_1[P] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[s] C7X_1[P] [C7x_1 ] 3.796385 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.796410 s: ### CPU Frequency <ORG = 1000000000 Hz>, <NEW = 1000000000 Hz> [C7x_1 ] 3.796426 s: APP: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.796434 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.797512 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [20.8.5--v2020.08b (Terrific Lla] [C7x_1 ] 3.797528 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x14 [C7x_1 ] 3.797539 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [C7x_1 ] 3.797550 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.797559 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.808715 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.808729 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.808742 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SHARED_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ 100000000 of size 1073741824 bytes !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.808764 s: MEM: Created heap (L3_MEM, id=1, flags=0x00000001) @ 70020000 of size 8159232 bytes !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.808783 s: MEM: Created heap (L2_MEM, id=2, flags=0x00000001) @ 64800000 of size 491520 bytes !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.808800 s: MEM: Created heap (L1_MEM, id=3, flags=0x00000001) @ 64e00000 of size 16384 bytes !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.808818 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SCRATCH_MEM, id=4, flags=0x00000001) @ ec000000 of size 268435456 bytes !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.808836 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.808844 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.808855 s: IPC: 6 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [C7x_1 ] 3.808869 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.006250 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.019923 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.019941 s: APP: Syncing with 5 CPUs ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.019957 s: APP: Syncing with 5 CPUs ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.019971 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.020329 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.020356 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [C7x_1 ] 8.020433 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [C7x_1 ] 8.020447 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [C7x_1 ] 8.020731 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInit:71] Initialization Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.020747 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.020874 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.020897 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.020911 s: APP: Run ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.020923 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [C7x_1 ] 8.021486 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 8.052055 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[x] C7X_1[s] [C7x_1 ] 8.053109 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[s] [C7x_1 ] 8.184181 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[s] [C7x_1 ] 8.345842 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[P] mcu2_1[P] C66X_1[P] C66X_2[P] C7X_1[s] [MCU2_0] 795.388497 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.388743 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.488500 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.488744 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.588500 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.588747 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.688500 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.688749 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.788500 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.788747 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.888503 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.888748 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.988503 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 795.988748 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.088505 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.088752 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.188506 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.188750 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.288506 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.288754 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.388507 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.388756 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.488509 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.488755 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.588510 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.588759 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.688511 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.688759 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.788512 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.788757 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.888514 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.888756 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.988515 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 796.988758 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.088513 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.088764 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.188515 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.188763 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.288516 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.288765 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.388519 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.388765 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.488489 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.488739 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.588489 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.588742 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.688489 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.688736 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.788495 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.788737 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.888494 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.888742 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.988494 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 797.988741 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.088493 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.088741 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.188498 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.188746 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.288498 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.288745 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.388503 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.388744 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.488501 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.488746 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.588499 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.588748 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.688499 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.688750 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.788501 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.788753 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.888504 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.888748 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.988504 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 798.988753 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.088507 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.088752 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.188505 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.188756 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.288507 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.288759 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.388511 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.388759 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.488509 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.488759 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.588510 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.588759 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.688512 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.688761 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.788512 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.788758 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.888516 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.888760 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.988516 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 799.988761 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.088518 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.088762 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.188516 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.188764 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.288520 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.288763 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.388522 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.388770 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.488491 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.488740 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.588492 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.588738 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.688492 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.688739 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.788495 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.788739 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.888493 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.888743 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.988494 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 800.988743 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.088497 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.088744 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.188500 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.188748 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.288501 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.288746 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.388500 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.388747 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.488501 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.488746 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.588502 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.588747 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.688501 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.688747 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.788505 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.788749 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.888506 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.888754 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.988509 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 801.988751 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.088508 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.088755 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.188507 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.188757 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.288511 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.288758 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.388513 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.388762 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.488512 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.488758 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.588514 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.588761 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.688514 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.688761 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.788514 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.788762 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.888519 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.888763 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.988520 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 802.988764 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.088489 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.088737 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.188489 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.188736 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.288521 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.288766 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.388522 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.388739 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.488494 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.488736 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.588495 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.588736 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.688494 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.688738 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.788496 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.788741 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.888496 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.888745 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.988499 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 803.988743 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.088499 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.088745 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.188501 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.188747 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.288504 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.288751 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.388505 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.388749 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.488501 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.488751 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.588505 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.588749 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.688502 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.688756 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.788508 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.788755 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.888509 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.888756 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.988508 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 804.988754 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.088512 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.088755 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.188510 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.188760 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.288512 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.288759 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.388513 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.388762 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.488514 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.488759 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.588516 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.588759 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.688519 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.688760 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.788516 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.788764 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.888519 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.888765 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.988520 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 805.988765 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.088489 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.088739 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.188489 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.188738 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.288493 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.288740 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.388526 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.388770 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.488497 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.488741 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.588496 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.588744 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.688491 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.688712 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.788497 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.788746 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.888499 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.888747 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.988500 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 806.988749 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 807.088502 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 807.088749 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 807.188501 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 0: no supported caps found [MCU2_0] 807.188746 s: EnetPhy_enableState: PHY 3: no supported caps found
Do you know what make this error happen?
I suggest creating new threads for new questions. Let's close this thread and create another one for EnetPhy errors.