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[FAQ] PROCESSOR-SDK-C665X: IBL Build Steps on Windows 10 (Processor family: C665x)

How to generate IBL binaries in Windows Environment?

  • IBL Binary generation steps:

    1. Requirements : "Mingw" software from "".
      1. "msys" and "ming32" llibraries must be installed.
      2. MinGw Compiler Suite with C Compiler.
      3. MinGW Developer Toolkit.
      4. "C6000 TI Code Generation Tool, Version :7.4.X", can be downloaded at
    2. Add "bin" folder in mingw installation to "Path" variable under "User" environment variable.
    3. Use "MingW terminal" and goto the location: “C:\ti\pdk_c665x_2_0_16\packages\ti\boot\ibl\src\make\”
    4. Modified "setupenvMsys.shfile is attached below
    5. #!/bin/bash
      # Environment setup to be done if using MSYS Bash shell for build
      # Specify the base directory of the c6000 compiler with UNIX style path separator
      export C6X_BASE_DIR='"C:/ti/c6000_7.4.24"'
      export PATH=$PATH:C:/ti/c6000_7.4.24/bin
      # Don't modify the below variables. They are derived from the above definitions
      export TOOLSC6X=$C6X_BASE_DIR
      export TOOLSC6XDOS=$C6X_BASE_DIR
    6. Set environment variables using following command : "source"
    7. Build binaries : "make evm_c6657_i2c ENDIAN=little I2C_BUS_ADDR=0x51" and binaries will be built in "bin" folder.
      1. Output IBL images :
        bin/i2crom_0x51_c6657_le.dat (CCS data format)
        bin/i2crom_0x51_c6657_le.bin (raw binary)