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AM3352: the interval time between two frame of can is uncontrolled

Part Number: AM3352


IC: am3352

SDK version:

Problem Description:

when using am3352 to upgrade other modules through can bus, According to software design,data are sented every 1ms.
On the am3352, the can message is sent through the timer every 1ms. By the captured can bus message, the message cycle varies.

Occasionally, the interval between two frames is more than 100ms, up to 600ms at most.
It seems that the interval time between two frame of can is  uncontrolled, but I hope that the interval time short than 100ms.

What's the reasone about the issue? or any suggestion to fix the issue?


Yunxue Wang

  • Hello Yunxue Wang,

    Thank you for the query.

    I will check internally and get back to you



  • Hi

    Now have Any suggest for this issue?


    Yunxue Wang

  • Hello Yunxue Wang,

    I am checking with the CAN expert  internally if the time variation(100ms, up to 600ms) between two frames is expected.

    I am also checking if there is a way to improve the delay between frames.

    I will update you based on the inputs received



  • Hello Rajashri

    Any suggest  have now?

    Our products are close to the shipping node, but now the can communication delay is large,

    resulting in a great risk to the shipping schedule. If you can help solve this problem,

    it will be of great help to our company. 

    Yunxue Wang

  • Hello Yunxue Wang,

    Please check with the current version of SDK ( 

    SDK path - PROCESSOR-SDK-AM335X Software development kit (SDK) |



  • Hello Rajashri

    It is recommended to use this version of SDK or which part of the SDK is more efficient to investigate?


    Yunxue Wang

  • Hello Yunxue Wang,

    I have already shared your inputs with our CAN team to check on this.



  • Hi,

    Could you please post the results of these commands?

    ifconfig -a 

    ip -d -s link show can0 ( I have assumed for the moment that the interface is can0)

    cat /proc/net/can/stats

    Could you please describe the application SW that you are using to send the CAN frames with? What is the target device and the SW that is running on it?

    Best Regards,


  • HI

    ■the result of  [ifconfig -a] is as following:

    ■the result of  [ip -d -s link show can0] is as following:

    ■the result of [cat /proc/net/can/stats] is as following:

    send the CAN frames 

    I use socketCAN send can frames, some options is as following:

    struct sockaddr_can addr;
    struct ifreq ifr;
    struct can_frame frame[2] = {{0}};
    s = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW);
    strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "can0" );
    ioctl(s, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr); 
    addr.can_family = AF_CAN;
    addr.can_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
    bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
    setsockopt(s, SOL_CAN_RAW, CAN_RAW_FILTER, NULL, 0);

    and transmit the data by write function in while(1)  as following:

    nbytes = write(s, &frame[0], sizeof(frame[0]));

    ★Please refer to the attachment for the source code of can send frame

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <net/if.h>
    #include <sys/ioctl.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <linux/can.h>
    #include <linux/can/raw.h>
    void boot_can_config()
        system("ip link set can0 down");  
        system("ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000");
        system("ip link set can0 up");                                                                              
    void can_load_config(void)
    int System_Check(int result)
        if((-1 != result) && (WIFEXITED(result)) && (!(WEXITSTATUS(result))))
            return 0;
            return -1;
    int can_send()
    	int s, nbytes;
    	struct sockaddr_can addr;
    	struct ifreq ifr;
    	struct can_frame frame[2] = {{0}};
    	s = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW);//create socket
    	strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "can0" );
    	ioctl(s, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr); // can0
    	addr.can_family = AF_CAN;
    	addr.can_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
    	bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));//bind can0
    	setsockopt(s, SOL_CAN_RAW, CAN_RAW_FILTER, NULL, 0);
    	frame[0].can_id = 0x19B;
    	frame[0].can_dlc = 8;
    	frame[0].data[0] = 'B';
    	frame[0].data[1] = 'I';
    	frame[0].data[2] = 'O';
    	frame[0].data[3] = 'K';
    	frame[0].data[4] = '!';
    	frame[0].data[5] = '!';
    	frame[0].data[6] = '!';
    	frame[0].data[7] = '!';
    		//send can frame
    		nbytes = write(s, &frame[0], sizeof(frame[0])); //send frame[0]
    		if(nbytes != sizeof(frame[0]))
    			printf("Send Error frame[0]\n!");
    		usleep(2000);		//2ms
    	return 0;
    int main()
    	return 0;

    Now I send can frames by the function of can_send_demo.c on AM3352, and PC side gets the can frames by PCan(a device of equipment which connect to the can bus and analysis the data),it's a so sample function, but some interval between two frames are more than 100ms.


    Yunxue Wang

  • Hi Schuyler

    Now have Any suggest for this issue?


    Yunxue Wang