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Hi all
I am looking for C64x+ big endian libraries. When I installed CCS i only see C64x libraries although i know that this CCS 3.3 version supports 6455. I dont find any directories specific to 64x+. Why is this so?. Also I had to take the CSL libraries from here in the forum to support 6455. Can you tell me if there something more i have to install to see actually support for C64x+ in terms of all these. Thanks.
For the CSL part of your question, you can go to the C6455 product folder ( search on keyword C6455, click on Product Folder) and go to Tools & Software. "Chip Support Library for 6455" is one of the links and will get you to the official release that is called sprc234 .
As to the libraries, I do not know what to suggest other than updating you version of CCS. Which version are you running? Go to Help->About and it will tell you something like CCS, for example, and Code Generation tools 6.0.8.
In my installation, I have the rts libraries in the cgt sub-folder lib, and there are versions for all the different DSPs.
If your version of CCS came with a DSK or EVM for a C64x DSP, then you may not have a full-release version and can only work with that DSP and that DSK/EVM. You can upgrade to a full release of CCS by registering and obtaining a Service Code.
Just some additional comments, You should find the rts libs at:
C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\C6000 Code Generation Tools 6.x.xx\lib
The nomenclature for the libraries is in this document (page 218 - item 8.1.5):
TMS320C6000 Optimizing Compiler v 6.1 User's Guide
For example, rts6400.lib, is the RTS used for DSPs with 64x core, little endian, no exception handling. rts6400e.lib is the same but \big-endian. Or rts64plus.lib is the RTS for DSPs with 64x+ core, little endian, no exception. The document above explains it in detail.
Another comment, if you need to update yout CGT, you can do that even if you have the DSK/EVAL version. Please see the procedure at:
I am looking for DSP libraries (Big endian) C64x+. What you are talking of RTS support which i can find support for 64x+. But when i look for DSP libraries to do operations like FFT,COnvolution etc i can't find the libraries. The directory in the dsplib has only dsp64x.lib and not 64x+. Can you tell me where i can get them?. Thanks.
OK, got it:
For Big:
TMS320C64x+ DSP Big-Endian Library Programmer's Reference
Download at:
For little:
Thanks for the link. When i try to install this it gives an error like this
"A suitable JVM could not be found.Please select a suitable JVM file by selecting the right java.exe"
Do u have suggestions to solve this. Thanks in advance.
I do not get this error, but I found in the support files that some customers did, here is the suggested solution:
Apparently the installer requires that the Java Runtime Environment (also called JRE, downloadable from Sun webpage) is installed in the machine.
So please download it from Sun and then execute the installer - then you have have a pointer to it: \Program Files\Java\bin\Java.exe
As an alternative, the installer could be directed for example to the java.exe in the following directory [CCS install dir]\bios_5_30\_jvm\bin (this for the old versions of DSP/BIOS)