I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question or it has been answered already in sort of FAQs.
I am just wondering if anyone could kindly clue me regarding how to handle SmartReflex issue when I have several DSP devices, such as TCI6488, on board. Do I need to have separate adjustable power regulator (such as PTH08T240F) for each TCI6488 device or a single common one could be used to supply the core voltage to all TCI6488 (though this seems infeasible to me)?
In case that I am doing the ATCA DSP blade and plan to accomodate 20x TCI6488, it looks a little bit tough to host 20x power regulators for each individual TIC6488 device. I was thinking that only DSP devices reside near hot spot area (in terms of temperature) deserving such flexibility for dynamic power management.
Any comment or tip would be highly appreciate!