HI, TI teams:
Software Version: sdk 8.01 , Linux + Rtos
How to set MIPI DSI to Non-Burst Mode with Sync Pulses?
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HI, TI teams:
Software Version: sdk 8.01 , Linux + Rtos
How to set MIPI DSI to Non-Burst Mode with Sync Pulses?
Hi wenyu chen,
I think by default DSI driver configures the output in this mode. I see this mode is selected by configuring timing parameters correctly. It seems driver uses the same equations for calculating timing parameters.. Is there anything specific that you are looking for in this mode?
HI, Brijesh:
Another question about DSS DSI output.
Camera DATA flow: DSS=>ti941 (DSS DSI port)
Use default size:data from DSS to TI941 are normal. detected wave are normal use Oscilloscope.
prm.timings.width = 1280U;
prm.timings.height = 800U;
prm.timings.hFrontPorch = 110U;
prm.timings.hBackPorch = 220U;
prm.timings.hSyncLen = 40U;
prm.timings.vFrontPorch = 5U;
prm.timings.vBackPorch = 20U;
prm.timings.vSyncLen = 5U;
prm.timings.pixelClock = 74250000ULL;
Use our customer's size:data from DSS to TI941 are abnormal. Oscilloscope can not detect wave from mipi data lane.
prm.timings.width = 864U;
prm.timings.height = 480U;
prm.timings.hFrontPorch = 60U;
prm.timings.hBackPorch = 70U;
prm.timings.hSyncLen = 6U;
prm.timings.vFrontPorch = 35U;
prm.timings.vBackPorch = 9U;
prm.timings.vSyncLen = 1U;
prm.timings.pixelClock = 31500000ULL;
QA: How to config these parameters? any other parameters need to modify ?
in file pdk_jacinto_08_01_00_33/packages/ti/drv/dss/src/drv/dctrl/dss_dctrlDsi.c
dsiObj->dphyTxIpDiv = 0x2;
dsiObj->dphyTxOpDiv = 0x2;
dsiObj->dphyTxFbDiv = 0x173;
dsiObj->dphyTxRate = 0x1CE;
dsiObj->cfgDsiTx.numOfLanes = 0x2u;
dsiObj->privDsiTx.numOfLanes = 0x2u;
how to modify these paramters?
HI, Brijesh:
I modify prm.timings.vSyncLen = 1U to prm.timings.vSyncLen = 5U, TDA4 MIPI DSI output normally.
I found the least value of prm.timings.vSyncLen is 2U, is there any document about how to set this parameter ?
Hi wenyu chen,
I think vertical sync length requires to be more than 1, as vertical front porch is hard coded to be 1 in the driver and vfp should be less than vsync length for DSI output.
HI, Brijesh:
I think vertical sync length requires to be more than 1, as vertical front porch is hard coded to be 1 in the driver and vfp should be less than vsync length for DSI output.
========>I can't get your idea, please give more information, thanks!