The AM5728 has the address pin DDR1_a[0:15] for EMIF.
I need some clarification on the function of this pin.
An application I'm supporting is considering a way to check if there is a short/open in the signal connections between AM5728 and DDR3.
One way to do this under consideration, is to use an address where pins next-to each other are a different voltage level.
For example, if one address pin is "Low" then the address pin next to it would be "High".
This way no two pins next to each other will be both "Low" or "High"
Could you help provide comments on the address / how to use ddr1_a[0:15] for this?
Looking at the memory map in the TRM, I understand the below ranges are for the EMIF.
But it seems given the address bus has only 16pins, it feels like these can't be set...?
Q2: 0x8000_0000~0xBFFF_FFFF
Q3: 0xC000_0000~0xFFFF_FFFF