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Hi everybody
I started using CAN loopback examples ( botyh examples ) and capable to see onver CAN lines the messages BUT I am not able to get messgaes coming from MY ETXRAN CAN DEVICE
why ?
shoudl I modify teh example to avoid loopback and get message from external CAN ? How ?
any suggestion ?
thank you
Hi everybody ,
some updates : Polling example working now ( it looks sycfg baudrate saved values in hex while displayed in DEC ) : polling now OK
Interrupt example is still NOT working
in ISR status value is always 0x80 so cannot post RXDONE smaphore ... filter on ID messages are disable at all .
please what is wrong ? any suggestion ?
thank you
Hi Carlo,
This week is a holiday in India. Please expect delayed response.
Hi Carlo,
Happy to know the polling example is working. With respect to Interrupt example, could you tell me which core you are using ?
Carlo, will it be possible to share the example , it would help us look at the overall solution and the Sysconfig settings as well.
we have tested Loopback examples and they work fine for both interrupt and polling mode.
Hi Anshu
as talking offline not easy to get feedbakcs they are progressing I ll keep you posted
Thanks for the confirmation Carlo, would you be able to provide the solution which helped the customer.