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TDA4VM: Question about DDR Memory Map

Part Number: TDA4VM

Hi Ti's Experts,

     We have some problems about the DDR memory map. The fuse is that the DDR_SHARED_MEM we need has exceeded the preset value.  So we want to reduce some memory from other places and add it to DDR_SHARED_MEM.

     The SDK used in Board is 7.03.  and QNX system.


      It found that 0x0_8000_0000 ~ 0x0_9FFF_FFFF was allocated to the QNX system,, so we want ro reduce them to  0x0_8000_0000 ~ 0x0_8FFF_FFFF,  Allocate more memory to DDR_SHARED_MEM. This means that the DDR of TI will be allocated from 0x90000000.


     then run ./ and The following MAP is obtained,

Name Start Addr End Addr Size Attributes Description
L2RAM_C66x_1 0x00800000 0x00837FFF 224.00 KB RWIX L2 for C66x_1
L2RAM_C66x_2 0x00800000 0x00837FFF 224.00 KB RWIX L2 for C66x_2
MAIN_OCRAM_MCU2_0 0x03600000 0x0361FFFF 128.00 KB RWIX Main OCRAM for MCU2_0
MAIN_OCRAM_MCU2_1 0x03620000 0x0363FFFF 128.00 KB RWIX Main OCRAM for MCU2_1
L2RAM_C7x_1 0x64800000 0x64877FFF 480.00 KB RWIX L2 for C7x_1
L1RAM_C7x_1 0x64E00000 0x64E03FFF 16.00 KB RWIX L1 for C7x_1
MSMC_MPU1 0x70000000 0x7001FFFF 128.00 KB RWIX MSMC reserved for MPU1 for ATF
MSMC_C7x_1 0x70020000 0x707E7FFF 7.78 MB RWIX MSMC for C7x_1
MSMC_DMSC 0x707F0000 0x707FFFFF 64.00 KB RWIX MSMC reserved for DMSC IPC
DDR_MCU1_0_IPC 0x90000000 0x900FFFFF 1024.00 KB RWIX DDR for MCU1_0 for Linux IPC
DDR_MCU1_0_RESOURCE_TABLE 0x90100000 0x901003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for MCU1_0 for Linux resource table
DDR_MCU1_0 0x90100400 0x90FFFFFF 15.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU1_0 for code/data
DDR_MCU1_1_IPC 0x91000000 0x910FFFFF 1024.00 KB RWIX DDR for MCU1_1 for Linux IPC
DDR_MCU1_1_RESOURCE_TABLE 0x91100000 0x911003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for MCU1_1 for Linux resource table
DDR_MCU1_1 0x91100400 0x91FFFFFF 15.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU1_1 for code/data
DDR_MCU2_0_IPC 0x92000000 0x920FFFFF 1024.00 KB RWIX DDR for MCU2_0 for Linux IPC
DDR_MCU2_0_RESOURCE_TABLE 0x92100000 0x921003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for MCU2_0 for Linux resource table
DDR_MCU2_0 0x92100400 0x93FFFFFF 31.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU2_0 for code/data
DDR_MCU2_1_IPC 0x94000000 0x940FFFFF 1024.00 KB RWIX DDR for MCU2_1 for Linux IPC
DDR_MCU2_1_RESOURCE_TABLE 0x94100000 0x941003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for MCU2_1 for Linux resource table
DDR_MCU2_1 0x94100400 0x95FFFFFF 31.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU2_1 for code/data
DDR_MCU3_0_IPC 0x96000000 0x960FFFFF 1024.00 KB RWIX DDR for MCU3_0 for Linux IPC
DDR_MCU3_0_RESOURCE_TABLE 0x96100000 0x961003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for MCU3_0 for Linux resource table
DDR_MCU3_0 0x96100400 0x96FFFFFF 15.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU3_0 for code/data
DDR_MCU3_1_IPC 0x97000000 0x970FFFFF 1024.00 KB RWIX DDR for MCU3_1 for Linux IPC
DDR_MCU3_1_RESOURCE_TABLE 0x97100000 0x971003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for MCU3_1 for Linux resource table
DDR_MCU3_1 0x97100400 0x97FFFFFF 15.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU3_1 for code/data
DDR_C66x_2_IPC 0x98000000 0x980FFFFF 1024.00 KB RWIX DDR for C66x_2 for Linux IPC
DDR_C66x_1_RESOURCE_TABLE 0x98100000 0x981003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for C66x_1 for Linux resource table
DDR_C66x_1_BOOT 0x98200000 0x982003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for C66x_1 for boot section
DDR_C66x_1 0x98200400 0x98FFFFFF 14.00 MB RWIX DDR for C66x_1 for code/data
DDR_C66x_1_IPC 0x99000000 0x990FFFFF 1024.00 KB RWIX DDR for C66x_1 for Linux IPC
DDR_C66x_2_RESOURCE_TABLE 0x99100000 0x991003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for C66x_2 for Linux resource table
DDR_C66x_2_BOOT 0x99200000 0x992003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for C66x_2 for boot section
DDR_C66x_2 0x99200400 0x99FFFFFF 14.00 MB RWIX DDR for C66x_2 for code/data
DDR_C7x_1_IPC 0x9A000000 0x9A0FFFFF 1024.00 KB RWIX DDR for C7x_1 for Linux IPC
DDR_C7x_1_RESOURCE_TABLE 0x9A100000 0x9A1003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for C7x_1 for Linux resource table
DDR_C7x_1_BOOT 0x9A200000 0x9A2003FF 1024 B RWIX DDR for C7x_1 for boot section
DDR_C7x_1_VECS 0x9A400000 0x9A403FFF 16.00 KB RWIX DDR for C7x_1 for vecs section
DDR_C7x_1_SECURE_VECS 0x9A600000 0x9A603FFF 16.00 KB RWIX DDR for C7x_1 for secure vecs section
DDR_C7x_1 0x9A604000 0x9EFFFFFF 73.98 MB RWIX DDR for C7x_1 for code/data
IPC_VRING_MEM 0xA0000000 0xA1FFFFFF 32.00 MB Memory for IPC Vring's. MUST be non-cached or cache-coherent
APP_LOG_MEM 0xA2000000 0xA203FFFF 256.00 KB Memory for remote core logging
TIOVX_OBJ_DESC_MEM 0xA2040000 0xA5FDFFFF 63.62 MB Memory for TI OpenVX shared memory. MUST be non-cached or cache-coherent
PCIE_QUEUE_SHARED_MEM 0xA5FE0000 0xA5FEFFFF 64.00 KB Memory for IPC over PCIe using shared memory. MUST be non-cached or cache-coherent
PCIE_QUEUE_MIRROR_REMOTE_SHARED_MEM 0xA5FF0000 0xA5FFFFFF 64.00 KB Reserved Memory for RAT mapping of remote PCIe IPC shared memory. MUST be non-cached or cache-coherent
TIOVX_LOG_RT_MEM 0xA6000000 0xA7FFFFFF 32.00 MB Memory for TI OpenVX shared memory for Run-time logging. MUST be non-cached or cache-coherent
DDR_SHARED_MEM 0xA8000000 0xD7FFFFFF 768.00 MB Memory for shared memory buffers in DDR
DDR_MCU2_0_NON_CACHE 0xD8000000 0xD8FFFFFF 16.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU2_0 for non-cached heap
DDR_MCU2_1_NON_CACHE 0xD9000000 0xDFFFFFFF 112.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU2_1 for non-cached heap
DDR_MCU1_0_LOCAL_HEAP 0xE0000000 0xE07FFFFF 8.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU1_0 for local heap
DDR_MCU1_1_LOCAL_HEAP 0xE0800000 0xE0FFFFFF 8.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU1_1 for local heap
DDR_MCU2_0_LOCAL_HEAP 0xE1000000 0xE1FFFFFF 16.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU2_0 for local heap
DDR_MCU2_1_LOCAL_HEAP 0xE2000000 0xE2FFFFFF 16.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU2_1 for local heap
DDR_MCU3_0_LOCAL_HEAP 0xE3000000 0xE37FFFFF 8.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU3_0 for local heap
DDR_MCU3_1_LOCAL_HEAP 0xE3800000 0xE3FFFFFF 8.00 MB RWIX DDR for MCU3_1 for local heap
DDR_C66X_1_LOCAL_HEAP 0xE4000000 0xE4FFFFFF 16.00 MB RWIX DDR for c66x_1 for local heap
DDR_C66X_1_SCRATCH 0xE5000000 0xE7FFFFFF 48.00 MB RWIX DDR for c66x_1 for Scratch Memory
DDR_C66X_2_LOCAL_HEAP 0xE8000000 0xE8FFFFFF 16.00 MB RWIX DDR for c66x_2 for local heap
DDR_C66X_2_SCRATCH 0xE9000000 0xEBFFFFFF 48.00 MB RWIX DDR for c66x_2 for Scratch Memory
DDR_C7X_1_SCRATCH 0xEC000000 0xFBFFFFFF 256.00 MB RWIX DDR for c7x_1 for Scratch Memory
DDR_C7X_1_LOCAL_HEAP 0x100000000 0x11FFFFFFF 512.00 MB RWIX DDR for c7x_1 for local heap

 We also modified the r5_mpu.xs of each MCU.  After writing to TDA4, the QNX system can be started normally and the memory was changed successfully


 But the IPC communication was abnormal. I changed the address back to 0xA0000000 and it was normal.  Why this is so? Is there ang places I haven't changed to ?  How can I make changes to make IPC communication normal?

  Please give me some advice,and Look forward to your reply!


  • Hi,

    When modifying the memory map, then there may be some additional changes required in the PSDK QNX header files.  Please see below link and check if that helps.

    9.3. How To Take Care Of Remote Core Memory Map Updates — Processor SDK QNX J721E (



  • Hi Kb,

        Thanks for your reply! I have changed tiipc_mgr_private.h and SharedMemoryAllocator.c  according to the instructions. But IPC is still abnormal.

    Please help analyze the reason, thanks!





        ./ No log information of C71.


         The DEMO  apps stuck

  • In regards to the overall memory map changes, and the updated header files.   A common problem with changes is stale build environment pulling in older settings.  Please ensure that build steps are cleaning/scrubbing before rebuilding.

    • cd vision_apps
    • make sdk_clean
    • make sdk_scrub
    • make sdk

    Regarding the C7x, take a look at the vision_apps/platform/j721e/rtos/c7x_1 content, and ensure that the values used in .c and .cmd files there reflect the memory map changes.

    Will loop in a Vision Apps expert.



  • Hi KB,

    I have rebuilt according to the way as you mentioned, but it didn't solve the problem. The .c and .cmd for c7x_1 has been changed successfully. 

    So far, IPC still fails to communicate. Is there anything else that needs to be modified? uboot or the other?

    Look forward to your reply

  • Hi,

    Could you please confirm if you have made the changes in the appMmuMap() present in the file vision_apps/platform/j721e/rtos/c7x_1/main.c?
    Here could you please check if the Mmu_map() is aligned with your current memory changes?


  • Hi, Nikhil,

         Current memory is changed in file app_mem_map.h, and the macro definitions used by appMmuMap() are all from this file, Shall I need additional operations to ensure memory alignment?


    * This file is AUTO GENERATED by PyTI_PSDK_RTOS tool.
    * It is NOT recommended to manually edit this file
    * Copyright (c) 2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated
    * All rights reserved not granted herein.
    * Limited License.
    * Texas Instruments Incorporated grants a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive
    * license under copyrights and patents it now or hereafter owns or controls to make,
    * have made, use, import, offer to sell and sell ("Utilize") this software subject to the
    * terms herein. With respect to the foregoing patent license, such license is granted
    * solely to the extent that any such patent is necessary to Utilize the software alone.
    * The patent license shall not apply to any combinations which include this software,
    * other than combinations with devices manufactured by or for TI ("TI Devices").
    * No hardware patent is licensed hereunder.
    * Copyright (c) 2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated
    * All rights reserved not granted herein.
    * Limited License.
    * Texas Instruments Incorporated grants a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive
    * license under copyrights and patents it now or hereafter owns or controls to make,
    * have made, use, import, offer to sell and sell ("Utilize") this software subject to the
    * terms herein. With respect to the foregoing patent license, such license is granted
    * solely to the extent that any such patent is necessary to Utilize the software alone.
    * The patent license shall not apply to any combinations which include this software,
    * other than combinations with devices manufactured by or for TI ("TI Devices").
    * No hardware patent is licensed hereunder.
    * Redistributions must preserve existing copyright notices and reproduce this license
    * (including the above copyright notice and the disclaimer and (if applicable) source
    * code license limitations below) in the documentation and/or other materials provided
    * with the distribution

         Besides, I have a little doubt that if C7_1 configures failed, could it affect IPC communication of other MCU?

  • Hi Nikhil,

        Did you have any suggestions? Please help us to solve this issue, thanks!

  • Hi KB,

        Shall you please help us to solve this issue? Look forward to your reply!

  • Hi Zheng,

    Were you able to resolve your issue, or is this still open?



  • Hi Zheng,

    Closing the ticket, please open a new related ticket if you need further assistance.

