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[FAQ] 66AK2E05: How to flash U-Boot and Linux kernel using Shell Scripts in Processor SDK Linux

Part Number: 66AK2E05

How to flash U-Boot and Linux kernel using Shell Scripts in Processor SDK Linux in 66AK2E05

  • This FAQ explains the UBI image flashing on the K2E family processor. The prerequisites for this FAQ is,

    1. Download and install the Processor SDK Linux
    2. UBI pre-built image is present in the "{SDK Folder}/board-support/prebuilt-images".
    3. TFTP server must be installed in the Host PC - link.

    Now the Steps to Flash the UBI image,

    1. Power up and Boot the K2E EVM in ARM SPI mode, Please refer to this URL for the K2E Quick start guide.
    2. Connect the mini USB cable to the BMC port (J1) and UART Port (J3).
    3. Connect an ethernet cable to the EVM (for TFTP image Transfer).
    4. Check for the "BOOT COMPLETE" message on the LCD screen in EVM.
    5. Make sure that you have added your "user" ($USER) account to the "dialout" group, this is to make sure serial ports are accessible. Now, there will be 4 ports available in Linux (Ubuntu PC)
      1. ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 (or it might be the ttyUSBx series)
      2. ttyAMC0 and ttyAMC1 (or it might be the ttyAMCx series) 
    6. In the host PC, Open the Bash Terminal and run "" which is present in "/home/${USER}/ti-processor-sdk-linux-k2e-evm-"
    7. Kindly follow the video,

    8. The questions asked during the execution will be answered

      1. Give the path of "targetNFS" to install else, it will choose the default path. "[ /home/${USER}/ti-processor-sdk-linux-k2e-evm- ]"

      2. Now select the "TFTP" server's root directory.

        1. This is a prerequisite - To install TFTP Server give "sudo apt install tftpd-hpa". This will install and configurations can be set in the "/etc/default/tftpd-hpa" file.

        2. Refer to this link for TFTP installation, Link to TFTP installation.

      3. Now, The setup will copy the following files into the TFTP server root directory (TFTP server root of the Host system)

        1. zImage-k2e-evm.bin,

        2. keystone-k2e-evm.dtb,

        3. uboot-spi-k2e-evm.gph,

        4. skern-k2e.bin and

      4. k2-fw-initrd.cpio.gz. All those files are located in the "{SDK Folder}/board-support/prebuilt-images" folder. 

      5. Now, Input the serial port of the EVM "/dev/ttyUSB0" to configure Minicom configuration.

      6. Now it will show the system IP for the TFTP transaction. 

      7. Now select the UBI image, choose U-Boot, and the UBI file system needs to be installed.

      8. Select the "ZImage", "Secondary Boot", "UART Port", "BMC Port". 

      9. It will open Minicom and update the image from U-Boot. 

    Thanks & Regards,

    Rajarajan U