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[FAQ] AM64X: How can I flash SOC initialization binaries on HS - FS HW versions .

Part Number: AM6442
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH

Note: This Procedure is used only for MCU+SDK RTOS/No-RTOS OS , Not for Linux OS 

If you are trying to send prebuilt sbl_uart_uniflash.release.tiimage and sbl_null.release.tiimage images to HS_FS HW version for SOC initializations, you may get some errors like  "[ERROR] XMODEM send failed,   no response OR incorrect response from EVM OR cancelled by user" on command prompt window. See screenshot below

  • How Can I solve this problem ? This FAQ aims to explain how to flash AM64X SOC initialization  binaries on HS_FS HW versions .

    MCU+SDK now supports HS-FS (High Security - Field Secured) in the SDK as the default device type with limited-Time  support for GP Devices


    If you want information about the difference between GP vs HS_FS HW versions? Please use the link below for more details.

    Please use the link for more details on Migration guide.

    Please follow below steps for SOC initializations on HS_FS HW versions.

    Step 1:

    Please check path below and update default_sbl_ospi and default_sbl_null cfg files.

    Path: C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_08_05_00_24\tools\boot\sbl_prebuilt\am64x-evm

    default_sbl_null cfg file:  

    1. Update image file to release.hs_fs.tiimage from sbl_uart_uniflash.release.tiimage 
    2. Update image file to release.hs_fs.tiimage from sbl_null.release.tiimage

    See the  Modified Screenshot below


    default_sbl_ospi cfg file: 

    1. Update image file to release.hs_fs.tiimage from sbl_uart_uniflash.release.tiimage
    2. Update image file to release.hs_fs.tiimage from sbl_ospi.release.tiimage

    See the  Modified Screenshot below


    Step 2 :

    Power OFF the EVM and Set boot mode to UART BOOT MODE.

    Step 3:

    Power ON the EVM and Open a command prompt and run the below command to flash the SOC initialization binary to the EVM.

    python -p COM8 --cfg=sbl_prebuilt/am64x-evm/default_sbl_null.cfg

    Here COM<x> is the port name of the identified UART port in Windows.

    Step 4:

    POWER-OFF the EVM and Switch the EVM boot mode to OSPI mode as shown below.


    • Congratulations now the EVM is ready for loading and running from CCS.
    • You don’t need to do these steps again unless you have flashed some other binary to the flash.


    1. When you want to load application in external memory follow same above steps but use default_sbl_ospi cfg file instead of default_sbl_null cfg file and update the application image path in the yellow path marked below. 
    2. Same steps should be followed for AM64X-SK board setup and BOOT SW positions are different compared to GP or HS_FS HW versions.

