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[FAQ] TDA4VM: How to change eDP driver for the different sysclk0 input?

Part Number: TDA4VM

eDP driver has dependency on the reference clock input. Many of the eDP parameters are calculated/configured based on the reference clock input.. These parameters include receiver detect, output lane speed, clock oscillator parameters etc.. On EVM, the reference clock input/crystal/OSC0 is 19.2MHz. This is why released SDK uses 19.2MHz reference clock input for eDP also.

This FAQ explains what changes are required for the other reference clock in the eDP driver.

  • The eDP parameters are pre-calculated for almost all possible reference clock inputs and are available in the file ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-08_05_00_11/pdk_jacinto_08_05_00_36/packages/ti/drv/dss/src/csl/dp_sd0801/src/specific/dp_sd0801_cfg.h. 

    in order to use different reference clock input, please build macro from REF_CLK_19_2MHz to supported reference clock in file change ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-08_05_00_11/pdk_jacinto_08_05_00_36/packages/ti/drv/dss/src/makefile and rebuild the DSS drivers.

    Currently driver supports pre-calculated configurations below reference clock inputs

    • REF_CLK_19_2MHz
    • REF_CLK_20MHz
    • REF_CLK_24MHz
    • REF_CLK_26MHz
    • REF_CLK_27MHz

