Hello Team,
As mentioned in developer notes
I tried creating Software partition in emmc and attempted boot from emmc with below switch settings
But, Board could not start the boot sequence.
Specific steps followed are documented below,
After successfully booting from SD card with MMCSD switch setting,
a) Deleted all existing partitions
fdisk /dev/emmc0 delete -a
b) Created SW Partition on emmc
fdisk /dev/emmc0 add -t 12 -c 0,1024
c) Enumerated the partition created and mounted new emmc partifion to /emmc_boot
mount -e /dev/emmc0 (observed /dev/emmc0t12 is created)
mount -tdos -oexe=all /dev/emmc0t12 /emmc_boot
d) Copied filesystem from sd0t12 (mounted to /ti_fs) to emmc0t12
cp -Rvf /ti_fs/* /emmc_boot
(verified qnx-ifs (kernel image), tiboot3.bin, tifs.bin, ifs_qnx.appimage and rest of the binaries 'ti_fs/bin/*' are now copied to emmc0t12, basically every files from sd0t12)
e) Now rebooted board with below switch setting
SW 8:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
On Off Off Off Off Off Off Off
SW 9:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Off On Off Off Off Off Off Off
With the above steps , Board does not even start the boot process.
Is there any thing which should be done apart from the procedure documented in developers note?
Details of Setup is mentioned below,
Evaluation Board Details:
Jacinto J721E TDAVM
SDK Versions used as mentioned below