Hi team,
The information for logRTOS is now printed below:
root@j784s4-evm:~# source /opt/vision_apps/vision_apps_init.sh root@j784s4-evm:~# [MCU2_0] 4.063294 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 4.063349 s: ### CPU Frequency = 1000000000 Hz [MCU2_0] 4.063384 s: APP: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 4.063403 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 4.063542 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [8.4.5--v08.04.05 (Jolly Jellyfi] [MCU2_0] 4.063577 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x8 [MCU2_0] 4.063605 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [MCU2_0] 4.063635 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 4.063659 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 4.064624 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 4.064659 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 4.065174 s: UDMA: Init for CSITX/CSIRX ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 4.065211 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 4.065244 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_LOCAL_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ e2000000 of size 16777216 bytes !!! [MCU2_0] 4.065302 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 4.065324 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 4.065374 s: IPC: 11 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [MCU2_0] 4.065416 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [MCU2_0] 18.317520 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [MCU2_0] 18.340748 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 18.340795 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.262984 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.263030 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.264775 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.264820 s: ETHFW: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.272461 s: Warning: Using 6 MAC address(es) from static pool [MCU2_0] 19.272554 s: ETHFW: Shared multicasts (software fanout): [MCU2_0] 19.272591 s: 01:00:5e:00:00:01 [MCU2_0] 19.272635 s: 01:00:5e:00:00:fb [MCU2_0] 19.272676 s: 01:00:5e:00:00:fc [MCU2_0] 19.272717 s: 33:33:00:00:00:01 [MCU2_0] 19.272758 s: 33:33:ff:1d:92:c2 [MCU2_0] 19.272799 s: 01:80:c2:00:00:00 [MCU2_0] 19.272840 s: 01:80:c2:00:00:03 [MCU2_0] 19.272882 s: ETHFW: Reserved multicasts: [MCU2_0] 19.272906 s: 01:80:c2:00:00:0e [MCU2_0] 19.272947 s: 01:1b:19:00:00:00 [MCU2_0] 19.273162 s: EnetMcm: CPSW_9G on MAIN NAVSS [MCU2_0] 19.288233 s: PHY 1 is alive [MCU2_0] 19.288295 s: PHY 2 is alive [MCU2_0] 19.288917 s: M88Q2221_isMacModeSupported: M88Q2221_isMacModeSupported::---------- [MCU2_0] 19.288987 s: EnetPhy_bindDriver: PHY 2: OUI:000ac2 Model:32 Ver:01 <-> '88Q2221' : OK [MCU2_0] 19.289613 s: M88Q2221_isMacModeSupported: M88Q2221_isMacModeSupported::---------- [MCU2_0] 19.289674 s: EnetPhy_bindDriver: PHY 1: OUI:000ac2 Model:32 Ver:01 <-> '88Q2221' : OK [MCU2_0] 19.292576 s: [MCU2_0] ETHFW Version : 0.02.00 [MCU2_0] 19.292625 s: ETHFW Build Date: May 29, 2023 [MCU2_0] 19.292651 s: ETHFW Build Time: 16:40:10 [MCU2_0] 19.292674 s: ETHFW Commit SHA: f2e96942 [MCU2_0] 19.292731 s: ETHFW: Init ... DONE !!! [MCU2_0] 19.292755 s: ETHFW: Remove server Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.292910 s: CpswProxyServer: Virtual port configuration: [MCU2_0] 19.292952 s: mpu_1_0 <-> Switch port 0: mpu_1_0_ethswitch-device-0 [MCU2_0] 19.292990 s: mcu_2_1 <-> Switch port 1: mcu_2_1_ethswitch-device-1 [MCU2_0] 19.293797 s: CpswProxyServer: initialization completed (core: mcu2_0) [MCU2_0] 19.293842 s: ETHFW: Remove server Init ... DONE !!! [MCU2_0] 19.294829 s: Starting lwIP, local interface IP is dhcp-enabled [MCU2_0] 19.300959 s: Host MAC address: 70:ff:76:1d:92:c2 [MCU2_0] 19.304377 s: [LWIPIF_LWIP] Enet LLD netif initialized successfully [MCU2_0] 19.338075 s: [LWIPIF_LWIP_IC] Interface started successfully [MCU2_0] 19.338170 s: [LWIPIF_LWIP_IC] NETIF INIT SUCCESS [MCU2_0] 19.345090 s: FVID2: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.345156 s: FVID2: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.345184 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=275 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.345291 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.345338 s: DSS: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.345360 s: DSS: Display type is eDP !!! [MCU2_0] 19.345384 s: DSS: SoC init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.345406 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=218 state=0 [MCU2_0] 19.345476 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.345505 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=404 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.345569 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.345596 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=217 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.345658 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.345686 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=404 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.345744 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.345770 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=217 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.345828 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.345854 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=218 state=0 [MCU2_0] 19.345915 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.345943 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleClkFreq module=218 clk=3 freq=148500000 [MCU2_0] 19.346942 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleClkFreq success [MCU2_0] 19.346974 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmModuleClkRequest module=218 clk=3 state=2 flag=2 [MCU2_0] 19.347117 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmModuleClkRequest success [MCU2_0] 19.347150 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=218 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.347290 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.347318 s: DSS: SoC init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.347340 s: DSS: Board init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.347361 s: DSS: Board init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.366866 s: DSS: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.366913 s: VHWA: VPAC Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.366937 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=399 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.367068 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.367194 s: VHWA: LDC Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.369358 s: VHWA: LDC Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.369403 s: VHWA: MSC Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.376949 s: VHWA: MSC Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.376990 s: VHWA: NF Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.378154 s: VHWA: NF Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.378194 s: VHWA: VISS Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.386039 s: VHWA: VISS Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.386139 s: VHWA: VPAC Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.386181 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [MCU2_0] 19.386206 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [MCU2_0] 19.386228 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [MCU2_0] 19.387273 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target MCU2-0 [MCU2_0] 19.387494 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target VPAC_NF [MCU2_0] 19.387680 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target VPAC_LDC1 [MCU2_0] 19.387868 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target VPAC_MSC1 [MCU2_0] 19.388062 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target VPAC_MSC2 [MCU2_0] 19.388409 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target VPAC_VISS1 [MCU2_0] 19.388627 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE1 [MCU2_0] 19.388840 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE2 [MCU2_0] 19.389036 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target DISPLAY1 [MCU2_0] 19.389311 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target DISPLAY2 [MCU2_0] 19.389505 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CSITX [MCU2_0] 19.389705 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE3 [MCU2_0] 19.389895 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE4 [MCU2_0] 19.390152 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE5 [MCU2_0] 19.390361 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE6 [MCU2_0] 19.390564 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE7 [MCU2_0] 19.390759 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE8 [MCU2_0] 19.390953 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target DSS_M2M1 [MCU2_0] 19.391232 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target DSS_M2M2 [MCU2_0] 19.391443 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target DSS_M2M3 [MCU2_0] 19.391623 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target DSS_M2M4 [MCU2_0] 19.391836 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE9 [MCU2_0] 19.392043 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE10 [MCU2_0] 19.392332 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE11 [MCU2_0] 19.392549 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target CAPTURE12 [MCU2_0] 19.392593 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInitLocal:130] Initialization Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.392623 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.415884 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.415930 s: CSI2RX: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.415952 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=189 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.416039 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.416070 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=72 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.416257 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.416287 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=73 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.416379 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.416405 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=74 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.416489 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.416515 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=212 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.416590 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.416615 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=213 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.416683 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.416728 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=214 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.416793 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.416820 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=270 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.416909 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.416936 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=271 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.417011 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.417037 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=274 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.417124 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.417747 s: CSI2RX: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.417787 s: CSI2TX: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.417810 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=189 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.417883 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.417911 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=75 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.417995 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.418022 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=76 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.418165 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.418198 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=402 state=2 [MCU2_0] 19.418269 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_0] 19.418684 s: CSI2TX: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_0] 19.418718 s: ISS: Init ... !!! [MCU2_0] 19.418816 s: [Imaging]: Initializing Des[0] on I2C4@0x29 [MCU2_0] 19.442032 s: [LWIPIF_LWIP_IC] Interface started successfully [MCU2_0] 19.442137 s: [LWIPIF_LWIP_IC] NETIF INIT SUCCESS [MCU2_0] 19.442221 s: Added interface 'br4', IP is [MCU2_0] 19.526809 s: Function:CpswProxyServer_attachExtHandlerCb,HostId:0,CpswType:6 [MCU2_0] 19.618140 s: [Imaging]: Failed to initialize Des0 on I2C4@0x29 [MCU2_0] 19.618180 s: ERROR: Unable to setup SerDes [MCU2_0] 19.618205 s: ISS: ERROR: Init failed !!! [MCU2_0] 20.949678 s: Function:CpswProxyServer_registerMacHandlerCb,HostId:0,Handle:a3b2c69c,CoreKey:38acb7e6, MacAddress:70:ff:76:1d:92:c1, FlowIdx:114, FlowIdxOffset:0 [MCU2_0] 20.955307 s: Cpsw_ioctlInternal: CPSW: Registered MAC address. ALE entry:11, Policer Entry:1 [MCU2_1] 4.014028 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 4.014077 s: ### CPU Frequency = 1000000000 Hz [MCU2_1] 4.014110 s: APP: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 4.014130 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 4.014279 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [8.4.5--v08.04.05 (Jolly Jellyfi] [MCU2_1] 4.014313 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x8 [MCU2_1] 4.014341 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [MCU2_1] 4.014371 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 4.014394 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 4.015493 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 4.015530 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 4.015562 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_LOCAL_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ e3000000 of size 16777216 bytes !!! [MCU2_1] 4.015622 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 4.015647 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 4.015694 s: IPC: 11 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [MCU2_1] 4.015734 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [MCU2_1] 18.700304 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [MCU2_1] 18.723184 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 18.723235 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... !!! [MCU2_1] 19.262983 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 19.263028 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 19.264795 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 19.264839 s: FVID2: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 19.264904 s: FVID2: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 19.264930 s: VHWA: DMPAC: Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 19.264952 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=92 state=2 [MCU2_1] 19.265076 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_1] 19.265109 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=96 state=2 [MCU2_1] 19.265235 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU2_1] 19.265271 s: VHWA: DOF Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 19.271123 s: VHWA: DOF Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 19.271168 s: VHWA: SDE Init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 19.273711 s: VHWA: SDE Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 19.273748 s: VHWA: DMPAC: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 19.273785 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [MCU2_1] 19.273814 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [MCU2_1] 19.273837 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [MCU2_1] 19.274819 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target DMPAC_SDE [MCU2_1] 19.275010 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target DMPAC_DOF [MCU2_1] 19.275198 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target MCU2-1 [MCU2_1] 19.275244 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInitLocal:130] Initialization Done !!! [MCU2_1] 19.275275 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [MCU2_1] 19.275522 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 19.275557 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 19.275581 s: APP: Run ... !!! [MCU2_1] 19.275602 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [MCU2_1] 19.280111 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [MCU2_1] 19.281394 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[s] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[.] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU2_1] 19.281512 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[s] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[.] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU2_1] 19.281619 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[s] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU2_1] 19.281729 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[s] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU2_1] 19.281834 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[s] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU2_1] 19.281939 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[s] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[.] [MCU2_1] 19.282047 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[s] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU2_1] 19.316353 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[s] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[P] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU3_0] 4.046538 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_0] 4.046590 s: ### CPU Frequency = 1000000000 Hz [MCU3_0] 4.046621 s: APP: Init ... !!! [MCU3_0] 4.046641 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [MCU3_0] 4.046786 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [8.4.5--v08.04.05 (Jolly Jellyfi] [MCU3_0] 4.046817 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x8 [MCU3_0] 4.046844 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [MCU3_0] 4.046874 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_0] 4.046897 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [MCU3_0] 4.046928 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_LOCAL_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ e4000000 of size 8388608 bytes !!! [MCU3_0] 4.046982 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_0] 4.047004 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [MCU3_0] 4.047047 s: IPC: 11 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [MCU3_0] 4.047085 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [MCU3_0] 18.830107 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [MCU3_0] 18.853088 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_0] 18.853135 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... !!! [MCU3_0] 19.262983 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... Done !!! [MCU3_0] 19.263028 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [MCU3_0] 19.264809 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_0] 19.264872 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [MCU3_0] 19.264898 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [MCU3_0] 19.264923 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [MCU3_0] 19.266089 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target MCU3-0 [MCU3_0] 19.266145 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInitLocal:130] Initialization Done !!! [MCU3_0] 19.266184 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [MCU3_0] 19.266210 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [MCU3_0] 19.266236 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_0] 19.266261 s: APP: Run ... !!! [MCU3_0] 19.266283 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [MCU3_0] 19.270855 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [MCU3_0] 19.272056 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[s] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU3_0] 19.272193 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[s] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU3_0] 19.272315 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[s] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[.] [MCU3_0] 19.272442 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[s] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU3_0] 19.272622 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[s] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU3_0] 19.272727 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[s] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU3_0] 19.280708 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[s] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU3_0] 19.316385 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[s] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[P] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU3_1] 4.080544 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_1] 4.080598 s: ### CPU Frequency = 1000000000 Hz [MCU3_1] 4.080630 s: APP: Init ... !!! [MCU3_1] 4.080651 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [MCU3_1] 4.080796 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [8.4.5--v08.04.05 (Jolly Jellyfi] [MCU3_1] 4.080830 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x8 [MCU3_1] 4.080857 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [MCU3_1] 4.080887 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_1] 4.080910 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [MCU3_1] 4.080943 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_LOCAL_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ e4800000 of size 8388608 bytes !!! [MCU3_1] 4.080998 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_1] 4.081020 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [MCU3_1] 4.081062 s: IPC: 11 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [MCU3_1] 4.081100 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [MCU3_1] 18.931466 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [MCU3_1] 18.954431 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_1] 18.954475 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... !!! [MCU3_1] 19.262982 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... Done !!! [MCU3_1] 19.263024 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [MCU3_1] 19.264809 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_1] 19.264870 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [MCU3_1] 19.264898 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [MCU3_1] 19.264922 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [MCU3_1] 19.266084 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target MCU3-1 [MCU3_1] 19.266137 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInitLocal:130] Initialization Done !!! [MCU3_1] 19.266174 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [MCU3_1] 19.266201 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [MCU3_1] 19.266226 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [MCU3_1] 19.266249 s: APP: Run ... !!! [MCU3_1] 19.266270 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [MCU3_1] 19.270840 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [MCU3_1] 19.272067 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[s] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU3_1] 19.272198 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[s] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[.] [MCU3_1] 19.272329 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[s] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[.] [MCU3_1] 19.272536 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[s] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU3_1] 19.272673 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[s] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU3_1] 19.272778 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[s] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU3_1] 19.280738 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[s] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU3_1] 19.316401 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[s] mcu4_0[P] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU4_0] 4.161614 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 4.161669 s: ### CPU Frequency = 1000000000 Hz [MCU4_0] 4.161700 s: APP: Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 4.161720 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 4.161871 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [8.4.5--v08.04.05 (Jolly Jellyfi] [MCU4_0] 4.161905 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x8 [MCU4_0] 4.161932 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [MCU4_0] 4.161964 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 4.161987 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 4.163042 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 4.163077 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 4.163110 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_LOCAL_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ e5000000 of size 8388608 bytes !!! [MCU4_0] 4.163170 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 4.163191 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 4.163247 s: IPC: 11 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [MCU4_0] 4.163287 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.089517 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [MCU4_0] 19.112388 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.112431 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.262985 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.263029 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.264874 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.264913 s: FVID2: Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.264968 s: FVID2: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.264993 s: VHWA: VPAC Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.265016 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState module=400 state=2 [MCU4_0] 19.265202 s: SCICLIENT: Sciclient_pmSetModuleState success [MCU4_0] 19.265246 s: VHWA: LDC Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.268972 s: VHWA: LDC Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.269014 s: VHWA: MSC Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.277842 s: VHWA: MSC Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.277885 s: VHWA: NF Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.278926 s: VHWA: NF Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.278960 s: VHWA: VISS Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.286728 s: VHWA: VISS Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.286778 s: VHWA: VPAC Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.286816 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [MCU4_0] 19.286840 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [MCU4_0] 19.286862 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [MCU4_0] 19.287763 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target VPAC2_NF [MCU4_0] 19.287952 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target VPAC2_LDC1 [MCU4_0] 19.288137 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target VPAC2_MSC1 [MCU4_0] 19.288334 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target VPAC2_MSC2 [MCU4_0] 19.288590 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target VPAC2_VISS1 [MCU4_0] 19.288781 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target MCU4-0 [MCU4_0] 19.288823 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInitLocal:130] Initialization Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.288852 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.311057 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.311097 s: VISS REMOTE SERVICE: Init ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.311159 s: VISS REMOTE SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.311188 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.311213 s: APP: Run ... !!! [MCU4_0] 19.311238 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [MCU4_0] 19.315734 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [MCU4_0] 19.317151 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[s] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[.] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU4_0] 19.317274 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[s] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[.] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU4_0] 19.317382 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[s] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[.] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU4_0] 19.317490 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[s] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[.] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU4_0] 19.317595 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[s] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[.] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU4_0] 19.317700 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[s] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU4_0] 19.317805 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[s] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[.] [MCU4_0] 19.317907 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[s] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU4_1] 4.166148 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_1] 4.166202 s: ### CPU Frequency = 1000000000 Hz [MCU4_1] 4.166234 s: APP: Init ... !!! [MCU4_1] 4.166254 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [MCU4_1] 4.166399 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [8.4.5--v08.04.05 (Jolly Jellyfi] [MCU4_1] 4.166432 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x8 [MCU4_1] 4.166460 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [MCU4_1] 4.166490 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_1] 4.166514 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [MCU4_1] 4.166546 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_LOCAL_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ e5800000 of size 8388608 bytes !!! [MCU4_1] 4.166602 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_1] 4.166623 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [MCU4_1] 4.166666 s: IPC: 11 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [MCU4_1] 4.166705 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [MCU4_1] 19.240070 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [MCU4_1] 19.262898 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_1] 19.262944 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... !!! [MCU4_1] 19.262984 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... Done !!! [MCU4_1] 19.263022 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [MCU4_1] 19.264871 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_1] 19.264926 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [MCU4_1] 19.264950 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [MCU4_1] 19.264973 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [MCU4_1] 19.266117 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:64] Added target MCU4-1 [MCU4_1] 19.266167 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInitLocal:130] Initialization Done !!! [MCU4_1] 19.266197 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [MCU4_1] 19.266222 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [MCU4_1] 19.266248 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [MCU4_1] 19.266272 s: APP: Run ... !!! [MCU4_1] 19.266293 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [MCU4_1] 19.270862 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [MCU4_1] 19.271996 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[s] c7x_1[.] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [MCU4_1] 19.272118 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[s] c7x_1[.] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[.] [MCU4_1] 19.272223 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[s] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[.] [MCU4_1] 19.272330 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[s] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU4_1] 19.272874 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[s] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU4_1] 19.272981 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[s] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU4_1] 19.280767 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[s] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [MCU4_1] 19.316411 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[P] mcu4_1[s] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_1 ] 4.420841 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.420856 s: ### CPU Frequency = 1000000000 Hz [C7x_1 ] 4.420868 s: APP: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.420876 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.421007 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [8.4.5--v08.04.05 (Jolly Jellyfi] [C7x_1 ] 4.421022 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x8 [C7x_1 ] 4.421034 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [C7x_1 ] 4.421045 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.421054 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.422041 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.422056 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.422067 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_LOCAL_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ e6000000 of size 134217728 bytes !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.422089 s: MEM: Created heap (L3_MEM, id=1, flags=0x00000001) @ 68000000 of size 3145728 bytes !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.422107 s: MEM: Created heap (L2_MEM, id=2, flags=0x00000001) @ 64800000 of size 458752 bytes !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.422126 s: MEM: Created heap (L1_MEM, id=3, flags=0x00000001) @ 64e00000 of size 16384 bytes !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.422144 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SCRATCH_MEM, id=4, flags=0x00000001) @ ee000000 of size 134217728 bytes !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.422163 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.422171 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.422186 s: IPC: 11 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [C7x_1 ] 4.422203 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 17.739007 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [C7x_1 ] 17.744132 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 17.744149 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 19.262985 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 19.263016 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 19.263259 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 19.263294 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [C7x_1 ] 19.263310 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [C7x_1 ] 19.263322 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [C7x_1 ] 19.263721 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-1 [C7x_1 ] 19.263841 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-1_PRI_2 [C7x_1 ] 19.263912 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-1_PRI_3 [C7x_1 ] 19.263981 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-1_PRI_4 [C7x_1 ] 19.264050 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-1_PRI_5 [C7x_1 ] 19.264120 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-1_PRI_6 [C7x_1 ] 19.264191 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-1_PRI_7 [C7x_1 ] 19.264260 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-1_PRI_8 [C7x_1 ] 19.264294 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInitLocal:130] Initialization Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 19.264310 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 19.265075 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 19.265093 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 19.265103 s: APP: Run ... !!! [C7x_1 ] 19.265113 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [C7x_1 ] 19.265307 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [C7x_1 ] 19.266155 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[s] c7x_2[x] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[P] [C7x_1 ] 19.266243 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[s] c7x_2[x] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_1 ] 19.268150 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[s] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_1 ] 19.271773 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[s] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_1 ] 19.272005 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[s] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_1 ] 19.272503 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[s] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_1 ] 19.280738 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[s] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_1 ] 19.316405 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[P] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[s] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_2 ] 4.725892 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.725909 s: ### CPU Frequency = 1000000000 Hz [C7x_2 ] 4.725922 s: APP: Init ... !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.725932 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.726062 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [8.4.5--v08.04.05 (Jolly Jellyfi] [C7x_2 ] 4.726078 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x8 [C7x_2 ] 4.726090 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [C7x_2 ] 4.726103 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.726115 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.727109 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.727123 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.727135 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_LOCAL_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ 100000000 of size 134217728 bytes !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.727159 s: MEM: Created heap (L3_MEM, id=1, flags=0x00000001) @ 69000000 of size 3145728 bytes !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.727179 s: MEM: Created heap (L2_MEM, id=2, flags=0x00000001) @ 65800000 of size 458752 bytes !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.727197 s: MEM: Created heap (L1_MEM, id=3, flags=0x00000001) @ 65e00000 of size 16384 bytes !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.727216 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SCRATCH_MEM, id=4, flags=0x00000001) @ 108000000 of size 134217728 bytes !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.727236 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.727246 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.727263 s: IPC: 11 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [C7x_2 ] 4.727280 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [C7x_2 ] 17.897357 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [C7x_2 ] 17.902647 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_2 ] 17.902666 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... !!! [C7x_2 ] 19.262985 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... Done !!! [C7x_2 ] 19.263015 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [C7x_2 ] 19.263267 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_2 ] 19.263297 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [C7x_2 ] 19.263315 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [C7x_2 ] 19.263329 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [C7x_2 ] 19.264363 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-2 [C7x_2 ] 19.264434 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-2_PRI_2 [C7x_2 ] 19.264498 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-2_PRI_3 [C7x_2 ] 19.264566 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-2_PRI_4 [C7x_2 ] 19.264633 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-2_PRI_5 [C7x_2 ] 19.264700 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-2_PRI_6 [C7x_2 ] 19.264766 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-2_PRI_7 [C7x_2 ] 19.264850 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-2_PRI_8 [C7x_2 ] 19.264881 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInitLocal:130] Initialization Done !!! [C7x_2 ] 19.264898 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [C7x_2 ] 19.267250 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [C7x_2 ] 19.267273 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_2 ] 19.267287 s: APP: Run ... !!! [C7x_2 ] 19.267299 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [C7x_2 ] 19.267426 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [C7x_2 ] 19.268161 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[s] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[.] [C7x_2 ] 19.268229 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[s] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[.] [C7x_2 ] 19.268284 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[s] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_2 ] 19.271889 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[s] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_2 ] 19.272013 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[s] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_2 ] 19.272558 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[s] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_2 ] 19.280757 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[s] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_2 ] 19.316424 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[P] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[s] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[P] [C7x_3 ] 5.009537 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.009551 s: ### CPU Frequency = 1000000000 Hz [C7x_3 ] 5.009563 s: APP: Init ... !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.009571 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.009708 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [8.4.5--v08.04.05 (Jolly Jellyfi] [C7x_3 ] 5.009723 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x8 [C7x_3 ] 5.009734 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [C7x_3 ] 5.009746 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.009756 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.010782 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.010796 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.010809 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_LOCAL_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ 110000000 of size 134217728 bytes !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.010830 s: MEM: Created heap (L3_MEM, id=1, flags=0x00000001) @ 6a000000 of size 3145728 bytes !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.010849 s: MEM: Created heap (L2_MEM, id=2, flags=0x00000001) @ 66800000 of size 458752 bytes !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.010866 s: MEM: Created heap (L1_MEM, id=3, flags=0x00000001) @ 66e00000 of size 16384 bytes !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.010884 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SCRATCH_MEM, id=4, flags=0x00000001) @ 118000000 of size 134217728 bytes !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.010903 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.010911 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.010928 s: IPC: 11 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [C7x_3 ] 5.010957 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [C7x_3 ] 17.995176 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [C7x_3 ] 17.999862 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_3 ] 17.999881 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... !!! [C7x_3 ] 19.262986 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... Done !!! [C7x_3 ] 19.263017 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [C7x_3 ] 19.263285 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_3 ] 19.263315 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [C7x_3 ] 19.263330 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [C7x_3 ] 19.263343 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [C7x_3 ] 19.263768 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-3 [C7x_3 ] 19.263895 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-3_PRI_2 [C7x_3 ] 19.263972 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-3_PRI_3 [C7x_3 ] 19.264051 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-3_PRI_4 [C7x_3 ] 19.264128 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-3_PRI_5 [C7x_3 ] 19.264203 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-3_PRI_6 [C7x_3 ] 19.264285 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-3_PRI_7 [C7x_3 ] 19.264363 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-3_PRI_8 [C7x_3 ] 19.264397 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInitLocal:130] Initialization Done !!! [C7x_3 ] 19.264423 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [C7x_3 ] 19.265125 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [C7x_3 ] 19.265143 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_3 ] 19.265155 s: APP: Run ... !!! [C7x_3 ] 19.265166 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [C7x_3 ] 19.265367 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [C7x_3 ] 19.266074 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[x] c7x_3[s] c7x_4[.] [C7x_3 ] 19.266252 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[x] c7x_3[s] c7x_4[P] [C7x_3 ] 19.268165 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[s] c7x_4[P] [C7x_3 ] 19.271962 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[.] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[s] c7x_4[P] [C7x_3 ] 19.272049 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[s] c7x_4[P] [C7x_3 ] 19.272521 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[s] c7x_4[P] [C7x_3 ] 19.280786 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[s] c7x_4[P] [C7x_3 ] 19.316437 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[P] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[s] c7x_4[P] [C7x_4 ] 5.293131 s: CIO: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.293145 s: ### CPU Frequency = 1000000000 Hz [C7x_4 ] 5.293157 s: APP: Init ... !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.293165 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.293306 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW version [8.4.5--v08.04.05 (Jolly Jellyfi] [C7x_4 ] 5.293321 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW revision 0x8 [C7x_4 ] 5.293332 s: SCICLIENT: DMSC FW ABI revision 3.1 [C7x_4 ] 5.293344 s: SCICLIENT: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.293353 s: UDMA: Init ... !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.294360 s: UDMA: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.294373 s: MEM: Init ... !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.294385 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_LOCAL_MEM, id=0, flags=0x00000004) @ 120000000 of size 134217728 bytes !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.294407 s: MEM: Created heap (L3_MEM, id=1, flags=0x00000001) @ 6b000000 of size 3145728 bytes !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.294426 s: MEM: Created heap (L2_MEM, id=2, flags=0x00000001) @ 67800000 of size 458752 bytes !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.294443 s: MEM: Created heap (L1_MEM, id=3, flags=0x00000001) @ 67e00000 of size 16384 bytes !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.294461 s: MEM: Created heap (DDR_SCRATCH_MEM, id=4, flags=0x00000001) @ 128000000 of size 134217728 bytes !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.294480 s: MEM: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.294489 s: IPC: Init ... !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.294505 s: IPC: 11 CPUs participating in IPC !!! [C7x_4 ] 5.294522 s: IPC: Waiting for HLOS to be ready ... !!! [C7x_4 ] 18.125831 s: IPC: HLOS is ready !!! [C7x_4 ] 18.130383 s: IPC: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_4 ] 18.130400 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... !!! [C7x_4 ] 19.262986 s: APP: Syncing with 10 CPUs ... Done !!! [C7x_4 ] 19.263023 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... !!! [C7x_4 ] 19.263270 s: REMOTE_SERVICE: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_4 ] 19.263302 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:Enabled [C7x_4 ] 19.263318 s: VX_ZONE_ERROR:Enabled [C7x_4 ] 19.263331 s: VX_ZONE_WARNING:Enabled [C7x_4 ] 19.263637 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-4 [C7x_4 ] 19.263856 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-4_PRI_2 [C7x_4 ] 19.263935 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-4_PRI_3 [C7x_4 ] 19.264021 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-4_PRI_4 [C7x_4 ] 19.264103 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-4_PRI_5 [C7x_4 ] 19.264182 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-4_PRI_6 [C7x_4 ] 19.264258 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-4_PRI_7 [C7x_4 ] 19.264338 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxPlatformCreateTargetId:59] Added target DSP_C7-4_PRI_8 [C7x_4 ] 19.264366 s: VX_ZONE_INIT:[tivxInitLocal:130] Initialization Done !!! [C7x_4 ] 19.264387 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... !!! [C7x_4 ] 19.265092 s: APP: OpenVX Target kernel init ... Done !!! [C7x_4 ] 19.265112 s: APP: Init ... Done !!! [C7x_4 ] 19.265124 s: APP: Run ... !!! [C7x_4 ] 19.265135 s: IPC: Starting echo test ... [C7x_4 ] 19.265330 s: APP: Run ... Done !!! [C7x_4 ] 19.266046 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[x] c7x_3[.] c7x_4[s] [C7x_4 ] 19.266275 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[x] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[s] [C7x_4 ] 19.268172 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[x] mcu3_1[x] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[s] [C7x_4 ] 19.271805 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[.] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[x] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[s] [C7x_4 ] 19.272046 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[.] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[s] [C7x_4 ] 19.272580 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[x] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[s] [C7x_4 ] 19.280769 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[x] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[s] [C7x_4 ] 19.316449 s: IPC: Echo status: mpu1_0[x] mcu2_0[x] mcu2_1[P] mcu3_0[P] mcu3_1[P] mcu4_0[P] mcu4_1[P] c7x_1[P] c7x_2[P] c7x_3[P] c7x_4[s]
The program works on the board that was originally designed, and ifconfig can see the Gigabit Ethernet port as well. The board has not changed in the Ethernet Gigabit design, only the memory size has changed to 32G (formerly 16G).
On the new board, instead of using the Ethfw driver of the RTOS board, change the firmware to run the EThfw Stack, the device will be discovered. And you can turn on Ethernet and test it with ifconfig. However, it is not possible to override all test functions in this way and the customer wants Ethfw to run on RTOS and be called by VisionAPPs program.
Could you help check this case? Thanks.
Best Regards,