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AM62A7: How to convert GRAY8 format to NV12?

Part Number: AM62A7

Hi, TI experets,

In this case AM62A7-Q1: Question related to gstreamer pipeline latency - Processors forum - Processors - TI E2E support forums, we have met a problem of pipeline latency, and solved it by avoiding using videoconvert. 

However, the GRAY8 format of IR stream can not be derectly put to kmssink driver-name=tidss (display on screen).

Do you have any idea on how to display the GRAY8 stream? 

We have tried below steps:

1) Using C71 DSP to pre-process and convert GRAY8 to NV12, but it is difficult to call the DSP kernal in v4l2 pipeline. Do you have examples on this application?

2) Using vedioconvert in v4l2 pipeline,but a large latency is observed (framerate is 4fps)

3) Is it possible to use other format for IR stream? 

best regards, 
