Below is a minimal example of a bug where a variable is set through a reference and then used in a function call. The set value is not used, rather the initial value is observed in the called function. In the call to
With the below code, the bug is not observed if we use a `for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)` loop, however changing to this loop in the original code still results in incorrect compiled code. Adjusting the size of `
Compiler version
cl6x --help TMS320C6x C/C++ Compiler v8.3.10 Tools Copyright (c) 1996-2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Compilation flags. The bug is observed at -O2 and -O3.
-qq -mv6600 --relaxed_ansi --define=SOC_TDA3XX --keep_unneeded_statics --diag_wrap=off --display_error_number --diag_suppress=556 --diag_suppress=2458 --mem_model:data=far --wchar_t=16 --fp_reassoc=off --float_operations_allowed=all --ramfunc=off --emit_warnings_as_errors -O3 --opt_for_speed=4 -DNDEBUG --symdebug:none --c++14
#ifndef COMPILER_BUG_HPP_ #define COMPILER_BUG_HPP_ #include <cstdint> struct QualityAndStatus { float quality; uint8_t status; }; struct Results { uint8_t otherData[128]; QualityAndStatus qualityAndStatus[2]; }; void getResults(Results& outResults); #endif // COMPILER_BUG_HPP_
#include "compiler_bug.hpp" #include <initializer_list> namespace { uint8_t getResultCode(int32_t const inStatusIdx) { constexpr uint8_t STATUS_MAPPINGS[2]{0U, 1U}; return STATUS_MAPPINGS[inStatusIdx]; } uint8_t getResultCode(float const inQuality, int32_t const inStatusIdx) { if (inQuality > 0.0F) { return 0U; } uint8_t code = getResultCode(inStatusIdx); if (code == 0U) { code = 1U; } return code; } } // namespace void getResults(Results& outResults) { for (auto const idx : {0, 1}) { QualityAndStatus& qualityAndStatus = outResults.qualityAndStatus[idx]; qualityAndStatus.quality = 1.0F; qualityAndStatus.status = getResultCode(qualityAndStatus.quality, 0); } }
Test app
#include "compiler_bug.hpp" #include <xdc/runtime/System.h> void init() { Results results{}; getResults(results); // Prints 0 with -O1 and 1 with -O2. System_printf("Result 1: %d\n", results.qualityAndStatus[0].status); System_printf("Result 2: %d\n", results.qualityAndStatus[1].status); }