Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83620,
Hi TI,
I am working on a AM625 based custom Board, In the design we have Connected ethernet PHY(DP83620). In one of our DVT Test case,we need to capture the clock frequency of MDIO
Interface(MDC Signal).
We tried capturing the signal while reading ethernet PHY status register at U-boot console.
mdio read 0x03 0x02
0x03 => PHY ID
0x02 => Register address
We observed that the frequency is 700KHZ. But as per the ETH PHY (DP83620) datasheet it supports MDC clock frequency between 2.5 MHZ to 25 MHZ.
So is there any way to set the MDIO frequency to maximum Speed using U-Boot or Linux Commands or by changing the Driver Code.
Kindly guide me to solve this issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Murali Chikkanna