My customer has been doing tests in dual mac mode, related to the PPS signal. Following the guidelines provided in this link (https://software-dl.ti.com/processor-sdk-linux/esd/docs/06_03_00_106/linux/Industrial_Protocols_PTP.html#generating-1-pps) and using am572x-idk-pps.dtso as a reference.
Some questions regarding the idk-pps.dtso file.
- Could you clarify the purpose of “latch_timer” Timer 15?
- In “mac” node, there is a distinction between pps1_timer16_pwm and pps1_timer16_pwm2. Are they to output the PPS signal through two different pins?
- What is the specific use of pps-enable-gpios and ref-enable-gpios signals?
- Does “ptp_bc” node configure the CPSW in boundary clock mode?
- Finally, could you explain the function of pps-sel0-gpios and pps-sel1-gpios?
Thank you