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I would like to do Ethernet booting on the am62-evm board, I don't know how to do it and if there is any documentation available. If I want to have sd as the primary boot and ethernet as the backup boot, how to do it.
To clarify your question, are you looking for information on how to set up Ethernet as backup boot with SD card boot as the primary boot on the SK-AM62B-P1 board? If so, have you already configured the boot switch pins on the AM62x board for boot over Ethernet as backup boot? The required bootmode switch configuration can be found on Starter Kit's User's Guide:
Regarding how to set up booting through Ethernet, here is the existing SDK documentation on booting through Ethernet.
You may find the following e2e thread helpful as an example of how others have successfully booted their AM62x board via Ethernet.
We are currently working on a step-by-step how-to guide on booting over Ethernet, loading the Kernel Image, DTB, and rootfs over Ethernet, and flashing this to eMMC. This will be made into an E2E FAQ post in the next week or so.
Best regards,