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TDA4VM: which design file is which

Part Number: TDA4VM


I have downloaded the design files:

What am I looking at? which one is for my board?

    Directory: C:\work\HW\sprr408f_som

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        29/04/2022     01:43                PROC078A_RP
d-----        29/04/2022     00:36                PROC078E7B_RP
d-----        29/04/2022     00:39                PROC078E8A_RP
d-----        29/04/2022     18:52                PROC078E8C_RP
d-----        29/04/2022     00:41                PROC078E8_RP

PS C:\work\HW\sprr408f_som> cd ..\sprr411d_base\
PS C:\work\HW\sprr411d_base> dir

    Directory: C:\work\HW\sprr411d_base

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----        06/05/2022     18:10                PROC079A_RP
d-----        06/05/2022     17:49                PROC079E3B_RP
d-----        06/05/2022     17:51                PROC079E3C_RP
d-----        06/05/2022     17:47                PROC079E3D_RP
d-----        06/05/2022     18:12                PROC080A_RP
d-----        06/05/2022     17:47                PROC080E2_RP
d-----        06/05/2022     18:12                PROC081A_RP
d-----        06/05/2022     17:48                PROC081E2_RP

PS C:\work\HW\sprr411d_base>

Br, Mircea

  • We have started placing the below README in some release packages, not sure everything has been updated yet.  Here is the naming structure:

    The package file may contain data for multiple board revisions. The
    naming convention is as follows for PROCxyzEwq_RP where
    - PROC: Indicates TI's Processor Product
    - xyz: Unique ID for this Evaluation Board
    - E: E indicates Pre-Production, blank for Production
    - wq: Indicates Revision (w - Major, blank/q - Minor)
    Pre-Production: 'E' + Num + Letter
    ex. E1, E2, E2a, E3, etc.
    Production: Letter + Number
    ex. A, A1, A2, B, C, etc.
    - _RP: Release Package Notation

    The Common Processor board (J721EXCPXEVM) is PROC079.  Latest revision would be PROC079A_RP

    The Processor SOM board (J721EXSOMXEVM) is PROC078.  Latest revision would be PROC078A_RP

  • This is clear, how about these files? what are they?

        Directory: C:\work\HW\sprr408f_som\PROC078A_RP

    Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                 -------------         ------ ----
    -a----        11/11/2021     19:44          56664 J721EXSOMG01EVM - Hardware Kit List - Rev A.xlsx
    -a----        06/01/2021     00:09        1066888 J721E_EVM_Base_PinMuxConfig_20190516.pinmux
    -a----        11/11/2021     19:59          76316 PROC078A(001)_BOM.xlsx
    -a----        01/12/2021     02:08        3282360 PROC078A(001)_SCH.pdf
    -a----        17/12/2021     01:10         177775 PROC078A_ASSY.pdf
    -a----        17/12/2021     01:10       70879526 PROC078A_BRD.alg
    -a----        30/11/2021     03:15       37126528 PROC078A_BRD.brd
    -a----        17/12/2021     01:10         737262 PROC078A_BRD.ipc
    -a----        04/04/2022     20:01       14756445
    -a----        17/12/2021     01:10         330961 PROC078A_FAB.pdf
    -a----        17/12/2021     01:10       18496024 PROC078A_Layers.pdf
    -a----        01/12/2021     02:28       28778496 PROC078A_SCH.DSN
    -a----        17/12/2021     01:10         748427
    -a----        17/12/2021     01:10         338923 PROC078A_XYREP.xls

    and these?

        Directory: C:\work\HW\sprr411d_base\PROC079A_RP

    Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                 -------------         ------ ----
    -a----        14/03/2022     14:07          56192 J721EXCP01EVM - Hardware Kit List - Rev A.xlsx
    -a----        02/12/2021     12:08         101381 PROC079A(001)_BOM.xlsx
    -a----        15/12/2021     17:00         222233 PROC079A_ASSY.pdf
    -a----        15/12/2021     17:00         225840 PROC079A_ASSY_(001).pdf
    -a----        15/12/2021     17:00       99154556 PROC079A_BRD.alg
    -a----        15/12/2021     17:00        1361692 PROC079A_BRD.ipc
    -a----        14/03/2022     13:57       16243156
    -a----        15/12/2021     17:00         596398 PROC079A_FAB.pdf
    -a----        15/12/2021     17:00       21646803 PROC079A_LAYERS.pdf
    -a----        13/12/2021     08:24       12160489
    -a----        14/03/2022     13:56        9970688 PROC079A_SCH.DSN
    -a----        03/12/2021     09:06        1944893 PROC079A_SCH.pdf
    -a----        11/04/2022     14:32        1744928
    -a----        15/12/2021     17:00         740462 PROC079A_XYREP.xls

    PS C:\work\HW\sprr411d_base\PROC079A_RP>

  • Hardware Kit List (XLS) - contents of box

    BOM (XLS) - Bill Of Materials for the EVM

    ASSY (PDF) - Assembly Drawing (001 is the EVM board built, not shown are uninstalled components)

    PCB Extract (ALG) - PCB Design Extract ASCII (for importing PCB design to other PCB tools)

    PCB Extract (IPC) - Manufacturing info for PCB (IPC-D 365)

    BRD (ZIP) - Allegro PCB Design File

    FAB (PDF) - Fabrication Drawing for PCB

    LAYERS (PDF) - PCB Layers Drawing

    ODBGBR (ZIP) - ODB++ and Gerber formats for PCB

    SCH (DSN) - OrCAD Schematic Design File

    SCH (PDF) - Schematic file in PDF

    STL (ZIP) - Gerber Data for PCB/STL format

    XYREP (XLS) - Pick/Place Component location info