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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6678, SYSBIOS

Dear Sir,

I  am trying to use Multicore system analyzer  project templates stairstep examples as well  as  MCSA and UIA tutorials.

I am able to build the project and launch the projects. However  I am not able to get plots of the performance statistics.

Can you tell me what could be wrong.




  • I have used the versions of MCDDK as shown below





    With all these versions I am not able to get the plots.


    Do I have a version problem or I am missing something ?




  • Arvind,

    Sorry for the late response, I was out of the office.

    Are you seeing data in the log view and just the graphs are not working or is there no data in the log view either?

    Which simulator/hardware are you using?





    I am using C6678  evm kit . I have also tried with simulatior. I am not able to see neither the logs nor the graphs.

    I am using JTAG to capture data, The device manager on PC shows a coonection with the kit.

    The CCS also shows connection.




  • Hi Arvind,

       I'll try to help you get things up and running.   What version of CCS are you using?  You need to be running CCS v5.0.3.00007 or later in order to use JTAG as a transport.   (see  for more info).  Also, there are some workarounds needed for the M6 and M7 builds of CCS v5.1 (see for more info).



  • Hi Brian,

    I have downloaded CCS5.1.0.07001_win32. I  am still not able to get the graphs. I am attaching the screenshots.

    The other thing is I get a System Analyzer instead of multicore system analyzer on the menu.

    I have another problem when I want to test with hardware TMS3206678+STM+ETB is not recognized as valid hardware.








  • Hi Arvind,

        Thanks for your detailed post, and for upgrading CCS.   

    Re: I have downloaded CCS5.1.0.07001_win32. I  am still not able to get the graphs. I am attaching the screenshots.

    There are some workarounds needed for the M7 builds of CCS v5.1 (i.e. for builds with version CCS5.1.0.07XXX)  - (see  Could you please try the following:

    1. Create (or edit) your System Environment variables to add an environment variable named XDCROOT that points to the xdctools folder that was installed with CCS.  e.g. in WindowsXP, do the following:

    • Open the System control panel applet (e.g. click Start, select Control Panel, select "System"
    • Click on the Advanced tab and click on the "Environment Variables" button
    • In the System Variables section, click New, set variable name = XDCROOT, and variable value = path to the folder containing the xdctools installed with CCS.


    2. Restart CCS.

    3. In CCS, create a new, fresh project for UIA Tutorials 1:

    •   File / New / CCS Project
      • Device Variant = Generic C66XX Device
      • Project templates and Examples = Multicore System Analyzer (UIA) / Tutorials / MCSA and UIA Tutorial 1
      • Specify a project name and click Next
    • In the RTSC Configuration Settings
      • Platform = ti.platforms.evm6678
      • Build profile = debug  (NOTE: the UIA package no longer provides pre-build binaries for whole_program or whole_program_debug build profiles)
      • Click Finish

    Now, right click on the project in the CCS Project Explorer and select Build Project.  It should build cleanly.

    4.  Launch the C6678 Device Cycle Approximate Simulator, Little Endian. 

    5. In the Debug View, select core 0 (TMS320C66x_0) and load in the tutorial program's .out file.  You should see a view open up called "Multicore System Analyzer Welcome" that says "Your system is configured to upload events when the target halts using JTAG".

    6. Right click on core 0 in the Debug View, select "Open GEL Files View", right click on the GEL files table in the right half of the view that opens  up and select "Load GEL...".  Open the mcsaTutorial1.gel file that is installed with the UIA Tutorial1 project.

    7. Start System Analyzer (formerly called "Multicore System Analyzer" - we're changing the name because it now supports single core devices as well as multicore devices...)

    • Tools / System Analyzer / Live
    • Click on the "Until data transfer is manually paused" radio button
    • click Run

    8.  Run tutorial1a: Scripts / MSCA Tutorial 1/ Tutorial1A_Logging_Events

    You should see the events being displayed in the System Analyzer Live Session: Logs view.

    Please let me know if you have any problems with the above steps.  Once that is running, I'll try to help you get TMS3206678+STM+ETB to be recognized as valid hardware.






  • Dear Brian,

    I have tried using CCS5.1.0.07001_win32.  and  followed the procedure outlined by you.

    I am still not getting the graphs.I bought the card two months back but that is 5.0.3

    That CD is licensed.

    As I was testing only I used a 30 day trial license.By any chance are logs not supported in this kind of license ?

    If this is so how I can get the required license file from my CD ?

    Can I get a new CD of a stable build  with the required features ?

    Here are the screenshots














    Hi Arvind,

        Good to see you've got the tutorial up and running. 

    Re: As I was testing only I used a 30 day trial license.By any chance are logs not supported in this kind of license ?

    A: the logs are supported by this kind of license

    Re: How I can get the required license file from my CD ?

    A:  The license that you have is for CCSv5.0.3.  To apply this to the pre-release version of CCSv5.1 that you are using, you can copy the .lic file from the ccsv5\\DebugServer\license folder in your 5.0.3 install to the ccsv5\ccs_base\DebugServer\license folder in CCSv5.1.  To upgrade to the 5.1 GA release when it comes out you will need a new license.  When you install the GA release and run it for the first time it will prompt you for a license; in that dialog will be an option to generate a FREE LICENSE that is for dev kits, XDS100…  You can select that option to generate the same type of license you have now.

    Re: I am still not getting the graphs.

    The CPU Load graph and CPU Execution graph display event data that is logged by BIOS.   To keep the UIA Tutorial1 as simple as possible, it doesn't use BIOS at all.  That's why the graphs are not showing anything - there were no BIOS CPU load or task switching events logged.

    If you're planning on using BIOS, the simplest way to show the CPU Load Graph and CPU Execution Graph in action is to build a New CCS Project that is based on the Multicore System Analyzer / Single-core Examples / Stairstep JTAG RunMode template:

    Be sure to change the Build-profile to debug (or release), and to then to set the Build Configuration for the project to the same thing (e.g. to build the 'release' build profile, right click on the project in the Project Explorer, select Build Configurations ->Set Active->Release).  Then build the project - it should build without errors.

    I've got the C6678 EVM now at my desk and am in the process of trying to get the onboard XDS100v1 emulation connection up and running.  I'll post an update with instructions once I've done that.








  • Hi Arvind,

       OK, I've got the XDS100 connection working for the 6678EVM.  NOTE: if you have the 60 pin emulation header plugged into the board, it will disable the onboard XDS100 emulation logic.  Please power down the board and remove this header if it is present before proceeding.

    1. Create a target configuration file:  Connection = Texas Instruments XDS100v1 USB Emulator.  Device = TMS320C6678+STM+ETB.


    2. Launch the target.  Right-click on the C66xx_0 core and select "Connect Target".

    3. Load in the StairStep program .out file.  You should see the Multicore System Analyzer welcome view open up.

    4. Tools / System Analyzer / Live -> check the Task Load and Execution graph checkboxes and the "Until data transfer is manually paused" radio button.  Click Run.


    5.  Run the target.  You should see the CPU load graph start to update (may take ~10 seconds)

    7. Click on the Execution Graph: Graph - ALL view tab.  By default it only shows the most recent events, so you may have to click the 'zoom out' button 5 or more  times to see activity.

    8. Click on the Y-axis label to expand the graph to show separate lines for taskLoad() and ti_sysbios_knl_Idle_loop

    9.  To zoom in to a particular region of the execution graph, click on the 'Freeze Data Update" button , and click and drag along the X-axis timeline to select the region of interest.

    Hopefully this is enough to get you started.  Please let me know if you have any problems or any other questions.

