Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG
I am trying to understand the process for resource allocation on the AM64x.
According to
one should use the K3 respart tool that is part of the SDK to modify resource allocation.
After trying this I got the following questions:
1. According to the guide you are supposed to rebuild the boardcfg using these commands:
a. make -s -C tools/sysfw/boardcfg configure-gen SOC=am64x
b. make -s -C tools/sysfw/boardcfg sciclient_boardcfg SOC=am64x
to rebuild the boardcfg binary blobs.
You should also rebuild the example "sciclient_ccs_init".
The example "sciclient_ccs_init" only loads the bytestream defined in "source\drivers\sciclient\soc\am64x_am243x\sysfw_hs_fs_signed.h" though.
So my question is: how do I get my newly created resource allocation on the device, if the example "sciclient_ccs_init" does not access the files that have been changed by the K3 respart tool?
2. According to
the boardcfg can also be part of the tiimage that I flash to the device. Is there any detailed explanation on how to add the output of the K3 respart tool to a tiimage file?
3. Within the tool, under the section "Firewall Configuration", you can add devices to be firewall protected.
- what is defined as a "device" here? Is it a core? Is it a specific resource (e.g. an interface)?
- in the dropdown menu "Device to be protected" you can select "SA2UL Main" or "ZZZZ_0"/"ZZZZ_1".
What is "ZZZZ_0" and "ZZZZ_1"? What kind of "devices" are these?
Thank you very much.