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TDA4AL-Q1: [SCALA3] consistent bit flipping in CSI2 data observed in DDR

Part Number: TDA4AL-Q1


Hello TI Experts,

We are facing  a strange issue when dumping the memory received through CSI2 

we are experiencing bit flipping in data in both 8.6 and 9.1 SDK the bit flipping place is the same in multiple sensors but different places with each SD ! 

data sent by FPGA were observed  using chip scope and the sent data is correct and no crc error is received within mipi driver !

we are suspecting a problem with DMA can you help detect what could be the problem and can we dump the memory  before it is transmitted to DDRwith DMA

Thank you 

  • Hi Hossam,

    Are you sure that the DDR is working? Have you run some DDR test to confirm its working? 

    DMA typically does not change the content of the data, so its unlikely that bit flip happened due to DMA. Lets first check if DDR is working fine. 



  • Hello Brejish,

    what do you mean DDR is working ? we are reading from ddr and we ran bandwidth test in an issue related to a byte shift and we raise the priority of csi2 on the PSIL bus 

    also we changed the gFrms address and the same bitflipping happens at the same place in the scan

    we also check for CRC errors and we can't find any 

    can you share these DDR tests and if you have any idea if we can check the values before using the DMA  can you share it with me ?

    Thank you,

  • Hello Hossam,

    CSIRX does not really change the contents of the buffer and since you are not seeing any CRC error, i am just wondering if DDR is working fine. Have you run some DDR test to confirm working of DDR? Can you please do write->read test on this section of the DDR and see if it is consistently working fine? 

