Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDS64EVM, SYSCONFIG
I am using standard TMDS64EVM dev board.
After build Ti image, eg: hello world and load to the flash, I can correctly boot from ospi boot.
Now, I switch to ada core compiler, I create adacore image .elf. my elf can succesfully boot, by using sbl_null,
Then, I want to add my .elf to rom code.
here is my procedure,
C:/ti/sysconfig_1.20.0/nodejs/node ../../Common/firmware/tools/boot/out2rprc/elf2rprc.js obj/hellomain >> temp_stdout_debug.txt
C:/ti/ccs1270/ccs/utils/cygwin/cp hellomain.rprc obj/hellomain.rprc_tmp
C:/ti/ccs1270/ccs/utils/cygwin/rm -f hellomain.rprc
"../../Common/firmware/tools/boot/xipGen/xipGen.exe" -i obj/hellomain.rprc_tmp -o obj/hellomain.rprc -x hellomain.rprc_xip --flash-start-addr 0x60000000 -v > temp_stdout_debug.txt
C:/ti/sysconfig_1.20.0/nodejs/node ../../Common/firmware/tools/boot/multicoreImageGen/multicoreImageGen.js --devID 55 --out obj/hellomain.appimage obj/hellomain.rprc@4 >> temp_stdout_debug.txt
python ../../Common/firmware/tools/boot/signing/appimage_x509_cert_gen.py --bin obj/hellomain.appimage --authtype 1 --key ../../Common/firmware/tools/boot/signing/rom_degenerateKey.pem --output obj/hellomain.appimage.hs_fs
eventually, I got my hellomain.appimage.hs_fs
However, after succesfully reading from ospi, I am not able to boot.
which mistake Do I make when I convert the Image.
from the debug, authentication passed, image is read, however it failed at this Sciclient_procBootSetProcessorCfg code.
How to debug the issue.
do you need binary of hellomain.debug.out and hellomain.appimage.hs_fs?
Thanks, I am using lauterbach to load hellomain.debug.out