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PROCESSOR-SDK-AM64X: MCSPI, high edge trigger latch response



Hi, I am using am64x board without OS.

I would like to config   high edge trigger latch response   On D12,    I mean  after the transfer the data, CS will goes to high for 30 ms and goes to low. eg:

Notice, it is not a Standard CS. It should be called LE, latch enable.  How to config LE?

do you have an example?


  • Hello Jun Tu, 

    Thank you for the query.

    I do not understand the query. 

    I need you to please explain your use case and the device you are looking to interface.



    • 1. In standard SPI operation, the Chip Select (CS) line is typically either active-high or active-low.

    • 2. In my case, however, CS functions as a LE)signal: it should remain low during normal operation, CS go high for 30 ms after each data transfer, and then return to low.

    CS: chip selector.
    LE: latch enable. 

    which part of the sentance you do not understand? I can further explian. 

  • Hello Jun Tu, 

    Thank you.

    Let me check with the team internally.

    which part of the sentance you do not understand? I can further explian. 

    Help me understand the use case.



  • user case:

    LE is like CS.   but your CS is either active high and active low. it couldn't do latche enable. as below photo. 

  • Hello Jun Tu, 

    Please refer inputs i received from the expert:

    I don’t understand that E2E thread.

    Also that’s slave a.k.a. device mode operation, right? We don’t officially support that in Linux/

    Looks like the use case you are looking to implement has not been verified.



  • Sreenivasa:

     I wonder if something like that "latched SPI" could be done in a PRU block? Might take up valuable resources.

  • Hello Jim,

    Thank you.



  • hello, Jim:

    just let you know, there are two option to generate latch enabled signal. 

    1. using Force enable mode,   disadvantage:  it only support single channel. if you have a multiple slave. you will close one channel then open another. 

    2. using 3 pin mode.   config eg: D12  (SPI0_CS0)  AS ping mux 7,  treated like a GPIO.  it will become gpio_42.

    disadvnatech: timing is very hard to control, if you want  "latch enable time" within 10 nano second, it is a scrwed up.   however, if you want  "latch enable time" more than x nano second. there is no problem.

    Hi,  :

    maybe it is not direct support.
    It is definitely supported otherway. am64x, chip is very powerful, please read the source code as well as schematics. 


  • Hello Jun Tu,

    Thank you.

    The expert mentioned we currently do not support SPI slave,

    It is definitely supported otherway. am64x, chip is very powerful, please read the source code as well as schematics. 

    You mentioned hardware - could you please elaborate.



  • I mean:

    "TI supports the 'latch enable' function for SPI in both master and slave modes, but it requires configuration. For example, you can use a GPIO pin, set to pinmux 7, and manually toggle it high or low in any desired pattern. This setup allows for software-controlled GPIO toggling."

  • Hello Jun Tu,

    Thank you.

