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Hi everyone,
I've been trying to connect my raspberry pi camera v2.1 to my sk-tda4vm using this guide supplied: 2. Getting Started — Processor SDK Linux for SK-TDA4VM Documentation. However, even after making the changes to uEnv.txt and connecting my raspberry pi camera correctly, when I check if the camera is recognized with v4l2-ctl it doesn't show up. I also tried using i2cdetect -y -r 0x08 and 0x09 and the results make it seem like it's not getting recognized still. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Hi Kumar,
Thank you for providing pictures. The ribbon cable pins look like they're facing the right way. What SDK version are you using? Have you tried connecting the sensor to the other CSI port? If this doesn't work, could you try using a different ribbon cable?
Thank you,
Hi Fabiana,
I'm using version from here: PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-SK-TDA4VM Software development kit (SDK) | I tried switching to the other port and cables but I still get the same issue. Any ideas on what else could be happening?
Hi Kumar,
The SDK you linked in your initial question is for an older SDK version. The device tree overlay for imx219 has changed between these versions. See the latest here:
Thank you,