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TDA4VM: IMX219 not connecting to SK-TDA4VM

Part Number: TDA4VM


Hi everyone,

I've been trying to connect my raspberry pi camera v2.1 to my sk-tda4vm using this guide supplied: 2. Getting Started — Processor SDK Linux for SK-TDA4VM Documentation. However, even after making the changes to uEnv.txt and connecting my raspberry pi camera correctly, when I check if the camera is recognized with v4l2-ctl it doesn't show up. I also tried using i2cdetect -y -r 0x08 and 0x09 and the results make it seem like it's not getting recognized still. Any ideas on how to fix this?


KumarRaspberry Pi Camera connected to SK-TDA4VMi2cdetect showing nothing for csi connection to raspberry pi 2