Since the 10.1 SDK is due within 2 months, and there are some notable bugs in 10.0, should we wait for a version 10.1 Linux Academy?
Since the 10.1 SDK is due within 2 months, and there are some notable bugs in 10.0, should we wait for a version 10.1 Linux Academy?
I am aware of certain issues (many that (+) Nick Saulnier's Profile - Nick Saulnier - TI E2E support forums is resolving) involving IPC that were partially impacted by the transition to the newer Linux 6.6.* base from the SDK 9.2's Linux 6.1,* -- TI should at least list a "Known issues" document for the Linux SDK v10.0 academy since they will hopefully be remediated by SDK 10.1.
Hello Jim,
I will add a warning to the SDK 10.0 docs about features that are broken for that release in the pages that talk about those features. As far as I am aware, we do NOT plan to maintain a "Known issues" page for the academy docs separate from the SDK documentation.