Hello TI Support Team,
I am working with an AM4376 custom board with a 1GB NAND and 500MB DDR, and I successfully bring up the board using the secure SDK version(ti-processor-sdk-linux-am437x-hs-evm- . I now need to implement Device Level Ring (DLR) and Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) protocols and require guidance on activating the PRU-ICSS core and running the protocol sample codes.
I am currently following the installation and setup instructions provided in the document linked with the PRU-ICSS-EthernetIP_Adapter-
package. However, despite following the documentation, I am encountering errors.
Could you please provide detailed guidance on the following:
Activating the PRU-ICSS Core: Steps to enable and configure the PRU-ICSS on the AM4376 board to support DLR and MRP.
Running DLR and MRP Sample Code: Instructions on testing the PRU-ICSS setup by executing the DLR and MRP sample codes, including any additional configurations needed.
Any additional documentation or resources specific to this setup would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance.