TMS320C6678: If the application has received very fast data via UDP, it will keep printing“ TCP: Retransmit Timeout ”when sending TCP data

Part Number: TMS320C6678


Dear expert,

I have developed a socket application based on TI_RTOS and NDK.

The versions of TI SDK are:

CCS12.8.0.00012 (ubuntu)






The function implemented by the application is: receive the image data stream of the camera through GigE Vision (based on UDP), and then send it to the PC through TCP. PC, 6678, and camera are on a switch.
After testing, the camera transmits at a gigabit speed when the image is generated (even if the frame rate is set to only 1fps, when this frame of image data is generated, the camera transmits at a gigabit speed, and then does not send data for a long time until the next frame of image is generated), then 6678 caches the image and sends it to the PC through TCP. At this time, "TCP: Retransmit Timeout" will be printed. Viewing the network data through wireshark, 6678 only sent 1k or 8k data, and then retransmitted the data, but the PC actually sent an ack message.
TCP buffer has also been configured, but it can only improve a little, such as being able to send 60k data, but then it will continue to print "TCP: Retransmit Timeout"
Use another workstation instead of the camera. When the workstation sends data at a speed of only tens of Mbps, there is no problem. But once it is sent at a speed of around gigabit, this problem will be triggered.