I build u-boot following the manual :
I use a custom board based on the AM62x SK EVM design, this booard works fine with SDK 09.02 witht u-boot in eMMC.
I used the configuration am62x_evm_r5_ethboot_defconfig and am62x_evm_a53_ethboot_defconfig.
I put the files tiboot3.bin, tispl.bin and u-boot.img in the tft server directory, and boot linux using nfs.
This is working fine.
But when the 3 files are copied in the partition mmcblk0boot0 partition it is not booting.
I also try to use the default configuration am62x_evm_r5_defconfig and am62x_evm_a53_defconfig, and flashing it in mmcblk0boot0, but the result is the same.
The u-boot console doesn't print any log showing the boot sequence.
Could you clarify what has change between tisdk 09.02 and tisdk 10.00 that lead to make u-boot not booting in eMMC.
I try the tisdk 10.00.07 wic image download from ti website, but the u-boot failed with the following error:
k3_system_controller sysctrler: k3_sysctrler_start: Boot Notification response failed. ret = -110.
Firmware init failed on rproc (-110)
ressetting ...
It is a critical issue for us, because we need to deliver a working board at the end of the week.
Could you quickly give us a feedback ?