AM69: Display Port Issues with Dummy DP Dongle

Part Number: AM69



We are using a dummy DP dongle for hardware testing, but it is not working with the AM69 DisplayPort. A physical DP monitor works fine.

Upon investigating the DP driver, we found that the dongle is detected (HPD debug messages are visible). However, the driver fails to read the DPCD from the dongle. When the driver requests the DPCD, it expects a 6-byte response, but the dongle only provides 5 bytes. The driver interprets this as a failure and gives the message "Failed to read DPCD addr 0". I attached some debug logs from the driver. 

Do you know the reason for this behavior? Can the AM69 DisplayPort work with a dummy DP dongle? If not, could you explain why?




Best Regards,
João Paulo Gonçalves