CCSTUDIO: F28P55 control card + xds200 : [CCS]An attempt to access the debug probe via USCIF ECOM has failed.

Part Number: CCSTUDIO


Hi Ki,

I try to let customer use xds200 on Cirtix system, but got a error, please see below:

I saw someone who use Ubuntu system encounter the same issue, you said that should install driver though .sh. So How to install xds200 driver on windows system? Thanks!

Best Regards,


  • Hi Zane,

    I saw someone who use Ubuntu system encounter the same issue, you said that should install driver though .sh. So How to install xds200 driver on windows system? Thanks!

    You do not need this step on Windows.

    The error is that CCS is unable to detect the XDS200 debug probe. As you are aware, a Citrix remote desktop environment is not an environment with officially support with CCS. That said, people have gotten CCS to work with XDS200 so this should be possible. However, we lack the expertise to provide any support for this. All I can suggest is to make sure the XDS200 communication with the remote desktop has been established. You should be able to see XDS200 in the device manager as shown in the link below on the PC with CCS.

  • Hi Ki,

    Yes, in Citrix don't have XDS2xx ports. Could we install it manual?

    Best Regards,


  • Does the customer have CCS (or drivers) installed on the local machine? I'm not sure if it is need (I don't have any experience with Citrix myself) but it is worth a try. Perhaps they can install the driver package from here:

    And see if the XDS200 is detected in the local machine before allowing Citrix to use it.

  • Hi Ki 

    Customer is using windows7 on Citrix, your driver only support window10/window11. So can we install it in windows7.

    In customer local machine, XDS200 work well, also a windows 7.

    Best Regards,


  • It *should* work with Windows 7 also. Otherwise the customer can try installing full CCS (which also comes with the drivers).

  • Hi Ki,

    Customer has install full CCS on their  windows7 on Citrix. I will let customer try to install the driver standalone.


    Best Regards,


  • I will let customer try to install the driver standalone.

    Just to clarify, they should install on the local machine that the debug probe is connected to.