AM6442: When will TI support the Rust language in Sitara AM6x families? (And in CCS Theia?)

Part Number: AM6442


I hear that ST is planning to fully deploy Rust as a source language as an alternative to C & C++

Will Sitara family devices and CCS support Rust in 2025?

We just heard that AWS (who owns FreeRTOS) is starting to convert from C and C++ on their sources.

  • Jim,

    As far as CCS support for Rust we have no set plans. There are a number of extensions that can be installed for Rust development into CCS Theia but our debugger would not support it so you would need to use something else for that (GDB?). The reality is we would add official support for Rust in CCS once we (TI) decide to officially support Rust development on one or more of our device families.

    I will loop in our Sitara team for comment.



  • Jim

    No additional inputs on this at the moment. If you have any specific requirements for your project, application design, feel free to share. We will continue to evaluate what new features to adds/support in 2025-2026. 

  • Mukul:

    I mentioned the eventual need to support Rust to both and o on an AM64x related conference call yesterday.
