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AM623: Flash device IO Test Error

Part Number: AM623
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


The test of the FlashROM connected to the custom board does not pass.
Custom board with AM62 mounted is now booted in SD boot mode.

The sample project of OSPI_FLASH_IO was modified.
Test passed for 1S-1S-1S, but cannot pass for 4S-4S-4S protocol.
I think there is a problem with the settings on Sysconfig, but I don't know what the problem is.

【Device Information】
 -Quad SPI

I had already inquired about this, but I would like to make a new inquiry.

The settings for Flash in sysconfig's "ti_board_oepn_close.c" are as follows.

/* FLASH Object - initialized during Flash_open() */
Flash_NorOspiObject gFlashObject_MT25QL256ABA8ESF =

/* FLASH Attrs */
Flash_Attrs gFlashAttrs_MT25QL256ABA8ESF =
    .flashName = "MT25QL256ABA8ESF",
    .deviceId = 0xBA19,
    .manufacturerId = 0x20,
    .flashSize = 33554432,
    .blockCount = 1024,
    .blockSize = 32768,
    .pageCount = 128,
    .pageSize = 256,
    .sectorCount = 8192,
    .sectorSize = 4096,

/* FLASH DevConfig */
Flash_DevConfig gFlashDevCfg_MT25QL256ABA8ESF =
    .enable4BAddr = FALSE,
    .addrByteSupport = 1,
    .fourByteAddrEnSeq = 0xA0,
    .cmdWren = 0x06,
    .cmdRdsr = 0x05,
    .cmdWrsr = 0x00,
    .srWip = (1 << 0),
    .srWel = (1 << 1),
    .xspiWipRdCmd = 0x85,
    .xspiWipReg = 0x00800000,
    .xspiWipBit = (1 << 0),
    .resetType = 0x10,
    .eraseCfg = {
        .blockSize = 32768,
        .sectorSize = 4096,
        .cmdBlockErase3B = 0x52,
        .cmdBlockErase4B = 0x52,
        .cmdSectorErase3B = 0x20,
        .cmdSectorErase4B = 0x20,
        .cmdChipErase = 0xC7,
    .idCfg = {
        .cmd = 0x9F, /* Constant */
        .numBytes = 3,
        .dummy4 = 0,
        .dummy8 = 0,
    .protocolCfg = {
        .protocol = FLASH_CFG_PROTO_4S_4S_4S,
        .isDtr = FALSE,
        .cmdRd = 0x6B,
        .cmdWr = 0x02,
        .modeClksCmd = 0,
        .modeClksRd = 0,
        .dummyClksCmd = 10,
        .dummyClksRd = 10,
        .enableType = 0,
        .enableSeq = 0x00,
        .protoCfg = {
            .isAddrReg = FALSE,
            .cmdRegRd = 0x6B,
            .cmdRegWr = 0x02,
            .cfgReg = 0x00,
            .shift = 0,
            .mask = 0x00,
            .cfgRegBitP = 0,
        .strDtrCfg = {
            .isAddrReg = TRUE,
            .cmdRegRd = 0x85,
            .cmdRegWr = 0xB1,
            .cfgReg = 0x00800006,
            .shift = 1,
            .mask = 0x02,
            .cfgRegBitP = 1,
        .dummyCfg = {
            .isAddrReg = FALSE,
            .cmdRegRd = 0x85,
            .cmdRegWr = 0xB1,
            .cfgReg = 0x00,
            .shift = 0,
            .mask = 0x00,
            .cfgRegBitP = 0,
    .flashWriteTimeout = 512,
    .flashBusyTimeout = 256000000,