TDA4AL-Q1: Query regarding queues in TIOVX

Part Number: TDA4AL-Q1


I am working on OpenVX applications using TI's implementation, and have come thorugh queues at multiple places in the vx_context structure.

I want to know the differences between the following types of queues and their usage.

1. The queues mentioned in context->free_queue and context->pend_queue

2. The data reference queues associated with graph (graph->parameters[graph_parameter_index].data_ref_queue)

3. The intermediate data reference queues also associated with graph (as mentioned in the function call "static vx_status ownGraphCreateIntermediateDataReferenceQueues(vx_graph graph)"). This function can be found in the file vx_graph_verify.c for reference.

Kindly explain these differences.

Thanks in advance!

  • Hi,

    Will get back to you with a detailed response end of this week



  • Hi,

    1. The queues mentioned in context->free_queue and context->pend_queue

    Here these queues are used to communicate to the remote cores (i.e. during create, delete, process, control callback). So when the command is sent from A72 to call these function on target side, the obj_desc_id is taken from free queue and put back into free queue upon completion. The failure in this communication results in putting it into pend queue.

    The data reference queues associated with graph (graph->parameters[graph_parameter_index].data_ref_queue)

    This queue contains the information only about the graph parameters in the application.

    The intermediate data reference queues also associated with graph (as mentioned in the function call "static vx_status ownGraphCreateIntermediateDataReferenceQueues(vx_graph graph)"). This function can be found in the file vx_graph_verify.c for reference.

    This intermediate data reference, refer to all the parameters of all the nodes in the graph. This queue consists the information about the data reference of all the parameters of all the nodes in a graph

  • Thank you for the detailed explanation.