AM625: libGLESv3 availability

Part Number: AM625


Dear TI support.

as far as we can see from latest Yocto Kirkstone build, graphics libraries rely on a custom branch of mesa libraries

The build does not generate libGLESv3 libraries.

Are these libraries available for AM625 ?


Best Regards


  • Hi,

    yes the v3 libraries are not included, however the v2 libraries are. I suspect this could be due to a lack of feature support on the lower layers of the graphics stack and/or HW. I've seen people adding symlinks from v3 -> v2 libraries to get certain applications working but that's probably a "hack" and not what you are after. But I've re-assigned this query to our graphics expert to give some more insight.

    Also please note this week most people are out of the office due to U.S. Thanksgiving holidays so it'll most likely be until next week before we can follow-up here with additional information.

    Regards, Andreas

  • Please review the content added here and let me know if you still have questions regarding this.