PROCESSOR-SDK-J721S2: Initialize IO-Packet in ping from QNX A72

Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-J721S2



i am trying to initilize io-packet and configuring new dhcp clinet but it is failing with UDMA RX Channel.

we are using cpsw2g switch, one is connected to MCU 1_0 and other is connected to QNX a72, i need to ping from my host pc to qnx A72,

Do i need to keep any configuration in R5F2_0 for this to create dhcp client?

i tried following commands:

slog2info –c
slog2info -w &
io-pkt-v6-hc -d cpsw2g
dhclient -nw am0
it is giving error for UDMA  RX Channel open.