I am currently testing whether the SegFormer model compiles in the latest version of SDK 10 or higher.
I have three questions.
1. I think I saw in the documentation that DEIT, SWIN, and Segformer are supported in the latest version of the SDK. However, when I actually performed the compile test, DEIT was successful, but SWIN and Segformer failed Copmile. Is it true that SWIN and Segformer are supported???
2. The SegFormer onnx link currently provided by tidl is as follows.
The SegFormer model seems to have been modified based on huggingface transformers. If I use the segformer in huggingface transformers, will there be many compilation problems??? If so, is there a reference document on how to modify it???
3. Most of the links in the documents related to segformer provided by ti seem to be broken. When will this be fixed???
The question feels a bit disorganized, but to summarize, I wonder if there is a source code or guide document for SegFormer that can be used in TI.
Thank you for reading the long post.